
I think that’s what felt the most uncomfortable about The Closer, his lack of self-introspection, empathy, and actualization. Chappell made some valid arguments but they felt hollow as the presentation was more “some dude bragging about how rich he is” coupled with “old man yells at clouds”. This is partly why his

Gadsby achieves what Pryor did in terms of opening herself up in achingly personal ways that are as painful as they are hilarious.

I remember seeing another comedian (a huge name who I can’t remember) do a bit in his set about one of his kids coming out. It was hilarious and touching because it dealt with how the world had changed and he felt out of touch, but ultimately landed on empathy and trying to understand.

Could be younger buyers. My eldest has been an authorized user on my cards (but never got to use them)for almost a decade. When he hit 18, his score was close to 750. A teenage boy is still a risky borrower, so I’d expect higher rates for him when he starts that mess.

There you go with reasonable facts and data to refute a story. Take your star. Still, this sure explains how so many people are driving around in $60k trucks. 

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

Bicycles are wheeled conveyance machines.

ah yeah found the “STICK 2 SPORRTS” mouthbreather.

Nope just drunk and lazy. I grew up there and it happens almost daily in the summer months. People leave the bars drunk go to the nearest bike rack and score a quick ride home. You can bike from one side of town to the other in about 5 min. Bikes are the primary transportation around town for most especially in the

I hope they think long and hard about their poor decisions while they're on paid leave.

The mobile site is so broken with ads, that I didn’t feel bad about making them, uh disappear. 

You must be into necrophilia because that bitch has been dead for a decade.

It was a joke, don’t get bent out of shape! - that’s indeed a thing assholes say. In fact, it’s an awesome asshole detection device.

Agreed - that looks like the work of someone who did a bit of thinking and now steps up and owns their shit. And frankly, that sort of thing can lead to really good outcomes over time. If the cycling community takes them up on this and engages with them, this could have a real nice positive impact.

Their facebook apology does seem contrite compared to most. As a cyclist in the Houston area, I’m still just blown away by the sheer stupidity of it. There are many social rides in that area and a food truck court is the perfect place to stop and fill up.

I think you’d have to be incredibly uncharitable to really think there was any malice in any of this and to push any of this beyond the removal and apology. The “sorry we got caught” ones are usually pretty obvious, and this doesn’t seem like that.

As a bicyclist and an avid anti-Texan, I defend people’s rights to make jokes. Even lame ones that I don’t agree with. If it was in Waller County, I think it would have crossed the line, though.

There’s quite a lot of polyamory that exists outside of misogynistic religious oppression, with full and enthusiastic participation from all parties. Quite a number of polyamorous groups file LLC in order to purchase property or maintain legal ties. That is provided of course that those involved wish to cohabitate

As someone that works in manufacturing, I have a sully chain timeline I tell to our customers of all of our issues since last May. If I dress up as the supply chain I’ll either give myself a heart attack from looking in the mirror, or a stroke from thinking about how long this year has been. (Last year too)

Plus, no one was safe. You never knew who would die. In a prequel, you know exactly who isn’t going to die.