
I wish I could like this comment 1000 times. The story of the 20th century is really simple. Free market capitalism and global trade benefited almost every single human on earth-and global poverty has been reduced more than virtually anyone thought possible. All through voluntary trade and markets.

Could be worse, you could forever be tidy whities guy.

I know I can because I read Marx. He nailed it and, as a result, the USSR is a prosperous land without inequality and all of its poor were well fed. It is glorious. I think China had the same result. Venezuela too. Oh yeah, and Cuba.

The primary fallacy in this argument is this though: This assumes that the person in question didn’t also pay in to the roads, to the schools, to the police and the fire department. They paid in as well. So, negating that, it boils back down to the same thing. I should have their money because I want it.

Let’s make a deal. Get rid of every unnecessary government agency, expenditure, subsidy, tax break and handout. Basically cut everything that is not essential to the operation of the federal government. Then, get rid of/stop enforcing laws that don’t need to exist. Use the budget surplus to pay off some of the

suddenly, I’m oddly interested in looking up some youtube videos on car maintenance and wondering where the nearest auto zone is at...

The time alone working on the car is nice, but it always comes back to haunt me. My wife practically puts a stopwatch on me when I’m working on something by myself. If I get that time alone to myself, she’ll demand equal time to get some chore of her own done. It’s fair, but it still sucks.

Don’t forget to gap your plugs. Take alllll fuckin’ day, you know.

“The fact that you even use the acronym SJW tells me all I need to know”

I just wish whites would stop caring about black fragility and start speaking facts to you all. Because white people are not the reason why black kids aren’t graduating high school, why black kids are shooting each other at rates significantly higher than white kids, why 13% of the population is responsible for 50%

I still remember Teddy championing renewable energy and then killing a bill that would have put a wind farm off the coast of Cape Cod. I love that kind of hypocrisy. It really is the best.

Or...Katy Perry is just trying really hard to be ‘relevant’ with a crappy song and her usual videos? Maybe everyone needs to chill? I mean it’s just a music video, this isn’t like a goddamn sign of anything haha

And for a lot of those happy hours / holiday parties / team lunches, it’s more important to be there than to be a social butterfly talking to everyone. Go to the happy hour, sit at the end of the table so you’re not surrounded by coworkers, nurse a beer, listen to people complain about work, complain yourself about

Also remember that CEO X usually sits on the board of companies A - B -C -D and E. In turn, the CEOs of those companies sit on the board of Company X, who make the decision on hiring CEO X and what his compensation package is.

When Company X raises CEO X’s salary, via board vote of those other CEOs, those other CEOs

They can use it, but they deserved to get scoffed at. Unless it’s being used in an academic context.

“spreading the wealth” worked out great for Venezuela, as long as you don’t get shot waiting on line for toilet paper.

Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing

The ‘90+ Cadillac Brougham was really the best of the breed. They finally graduated from the quadrajet bandaids to (semi-)modern fuel injection (hey, throttlebody injection is still fuel injection), so they could put the 5.7L back into service instead of the down-sized, down-powered 305s, 307s, and 301s from the

My all-time favorite...

Grotesque but goddamn comfortable. I’ll take it. I hate that everything has bolstered seats now. Guess what, if I’m buying a Ford Fusion I probably have no intention of going out hugging curves. I’m more likely going to spend most of my driving time sitting in traffic on the way to or from work and would prefer