
Only those whose who believe we are in the middle of a coup are “self aware”?

The first two giant outrages was the story that Trump had removed the bust of MLK, which ended up being a reporter too stupid to check if it might be behind that guy standing in front of where it’s always been, and that the white house LGBT rights page had been taken down, which ended up being because the websites are

When did I say I opposed immigrants from the 7 failed states? I just said a 90 moratorium until they can figure out a way to vet them doesn’t seem unreasonable. Evidently that is too you.

“Once we the church door closed, I let her have it. I jammed my finger in her chest and told her, “You let me down.” And then I burst into tears.”

Oh for fuck’s sake Drew. The overgrown man-child shtick works really well in small doses, please save this shit for Hamilton Nolan or Jezebel.

“I may have to wear some kind of arm diaper under this thing”

Josh Brown may dispute his ex-wife Molly’s claim that he hit her, but I think, looking at the evidence, that her accusations are pretty solid. In fact I’d say they’re unsinkable.

Oh I had like three And-1 shirts that I wore to middle school basketball practice. I was, not good.

That’s not what he said at at all. He said, correctly, that when you’re a non-union contractor working on a public works contract (i.e. a project that your tax dollars are paying for) you are forced to pay prevailing wages (here in CA works out to $55 / hr for general labor which includes benefits) AND you have to

I dunno man, 11-12 percent growth still sounds pretty sweet to me. How long do these big companies expect growth like that to keep up? Seems like an untenable proposition to think everything will keep going up forever. There are fat years and lean years. Don’t understand the kneejerk reaction by investors. Isn’t their

This might seem odd to a lot of you couch-dwellers out there, but many people, including myself have amazing benefits without being in a union. Many companies offer these benefits, without union pressure, to potential employees as an incentive to work for them. We don’t need to pay protection money to some union to

Under Armour...LOL! The garment of choice for that fat beer-league softball player you know who hasn’t spent $200 on clothes over the last five years combined then shows up for a party wearing some utterly ridiculous black and orange rubber vest and won’t shut the fuck up about how it “wicks perspiration from the

Plus their logo looks like something from Space Invaders.

Guess they finally tapped out the whole lucrative “fat people who frequent amusement parks” demo

Teacher unions are the worst. The whole idea of tenure is ridiculous.

Public unions should be illegal. You already get representation in how public employees are compensated/treated. It’s called voting.

So being liberal is acquiescing to government mandates without question? Must have missed that sign at the protest.

Sorry bud, to be liberal in 2017 you have to conform to ALL of the media’s stated ideals for you, otherwise just die already and vote republican cause that is what you really are.

When I asked him what he meant, I found out that he and Steve Belichick were coaches together at the Naval Academy. 

Alternative take. Fuck off.

To say nothing of the efficient and reliable rail experience that is taking the LIRR.