Check out the financing agreement and see if it mentions a prepayment penalty. If not, take the financing, make the first payment, then pay off the entire loan the next month.
Check out the financing agreement and see if it mentions a prepayment penalty. If not, take the financing, make the first payment, then pay off the entire loan the next month.
Yeah, I don’t know a single young person in a bad car deal. Their parents, though, I could write a horror novella. People underwater in their mortgage with two kids in college leasing a brand new $30,000 car because the husband is depressed. Another similar couple with a $40,000 SUV because sometimes you gotta treat…
My sister had a nice 2-door 2001 Accord she (stupidly) decided to sell last year. Dealer offered her $1000 and I threatened her with bodily harm if she accepted. Cleaned it up a bit and got $2500 on Craigslist from the second person to contact her.
“people I know who have done this, have said that the effort required to clean, detail, stage, picture, and list the car wasn’t worth the extra 1-2k they get for it.”
I will never understand people who trade in cars. Selling on Craigslist is free! And you will make close to twice as much.
I am 50 and have made exactly one car payment in my life. The Chrysler dealer would not sign off on the ($11,500) price we negotiated (by walking out and having them chase us into the parking lot) unless we agreed to finance the car with them. Read the agreement carefully and silently confirmed there was no…
Back in the 80s every disco-loving guido jambroni in New York had multiple curb feelers near all four (fake wire) wheels of his Dadillac, along with the boomerang TV antenna on his trunk. Gigantic horn dangling from the mirror optional.
Ew, no thanks. Not my thing.
Democrats called McCain and Romney Nazis. It’s just another empty taunt now, like calling everyone a racist. It’s meaningless and people see through it now.
You cite how people want single-payer, and guaranteed income, and free college. Remember this: people are stupid. Deeply, abjectly stupid. They eat McDonalds, listen to Kanye West, buy cars on credit, don’t read... I could go on. Just because bad ideas are popular doesn’t make them good ideas.
Social Security: Ponzi scheme
Yes, please go to the Ash Heap of History for your next presidential platform. It’ll be fun to see what happens when every elected official in America is a Republican.
I’m with you. Same basic income bracket, with no mortgage, kid almost out of (State) college, free health care from wife’s gig... and I still just don’t see the value. I love cars. Have ever since I was a little kid. There have been so many released the past ten years or so since I have gained financial freedom…
Doesn’t everybody do that? At least the sneaking part. Though the hot sauce sounds like a capital idea!
The thing that vexes me more is her claim that she can’t get a job, and once she becomes “homeless” we the public will end up supporting her for the next 40 years. Reports were that “the only jobs she has been offered are in porn and reality TV”; in other words, she has had job offers and turned them down. No…
Setting aside whether or not the verdict is final over whether we gained actionable intel with this raid or not (because it’s not final)... is it your position that we should never undertake any military ops unless we are 100% gold-plated guaranteed there will be positive results? I’m going to give you (and the rest…
as concluded by United Nations
Maybe those scumbags shouldn’t be setting up camp inside schools and hospitals, using civilians as human shields.
Stop with your false equivalence. The Israeli army goes insanely out of its way to prevent civilian casualties. The “palestinians” do the opposite.