

The Clarisonic did me no good, I know everyone says the mechanical exfoliators are too harsh, but my skin really responds better to them than chemical ones. Someone just posted me a plastic scrubber with knobbies (very technical term, obvs). I might give that a try.

Added to basket. :)

It's SUPER hard to find good exfoliants that DON'T have microbeads! As someone who needs to scrub my face off on the regular, I appreciate a good grit. So far the only product I've found that meets this criteria, and is, you know, cheap, is St. Ives green tea scrub. It's got a perfect texture, and no freaking beads!

Whew. I really hoped better of you. Glad my faith was not misplaced.

It's not our fault, no. But the massive die-offs, the hike in market price, and the ginormous amount of toxic waste definitely IS our fault.

Haha, I'm glad you like it. You must be familiar with Iowa.

YES. Although, I'll take SoCal blasé any day. SoCall don't curr.


Very cool, I'll keep an eye out for it. I do like Sartori a lot; it's waaaaaaaay too edible all on it's own. I end up eating half of it before it ever gets in the dish.


You're telling me. I almost had to move there!

I have to disagree. I've been underwhelmed by Wisconsin cheeses, but I did grow up on Tillamook, so I'm pretty biased.

Any good brands you'd recommend? Nothing I've tried has blown me away.

triple-fried-sugar-battered-sausage-stuffed monstrosities

Laughing SO hard. The lack of good produce was one of the hardest parts of adjusting to life out here.

Is that so? That sucks, I was thinking of moving that way. At least I'll be used to it.

Your jib. I like the cut of it.

How DARE you besmirch my avatar! It is a gleaming example of America's ingenuity and melting pot-ness! A Belgian breakfast food, acting as a Mexican sandwich bread, stuffed with heartland pigs fed with only the finest pharmaceuticals, topped with World War II memorabilia! It's a pan-national treasure, goddamn it!

Yeah! Out of the brothel, into the sweatshop. It's like, what more do you want, human rights??