
Amen. You worded it so much better thaan I could. I specifically said "this time" to acknowledge his other instances of shitty behavior. I don't doubt he's pulled shit like that before, but he just got real lucky by having the biggest nutso in town be the one to go after him for it. This is SO NOT going to help women

I <3 you, Pinkham. Thank you for laying this out the way you did. It's a tough call to make in this situation because there's a person who has proved herself very unstable making a very serious claim, so do we dismiss her based on past events? No, because she could be telling the truth. Then there's the high-profile


But, but, but, lipstick and tampons and drinking! That's what separates the women from the girls, amirite? Girl power!

Me too. :(. I keep wishing they'll announce their return and I can be happy again. I hope Ana gets a solo career out of this or something.

I'm sorry you can't be together right now. That sucks. Can I offer you internet weirdo hugs?

Yep, sorry, thought you were talking to the other person. My bad.

Oh come on, they're not wrong. In addition to it not making the customers any safer, it does actually put the cooks at risk of injury. It does affect everyone involved.

You are awesome.

You are LITERALLY the stupidest stupid who ever stupided.

I refuse to listen to anything Andrew Zimmern has to say. Dude gives me the creeps.

You can add the garlic later on in the process to preserve the strength and reduce the chance of it burning.

You know, had I read more carefully I would have picked up on the "Russian" part. Thanks!

You know it, Velma.

And this place is called...? Asking for a friend.


It's going to be hard to be so judgy when we're all there with you.

Please, I'm no hero. Just trying to be a good citizen.

Haha! I must be one of the three people who actually liked the spongmonkeys. That's SPONG, not sponge.

They got a pepper bar!