
“Hey guys! What did I miss? You're all going to die? Wow that sucks. Guess you won't need those picnic baskets then. No no, I insist. I'll just take those from you."

My nostalgia, though!

According to McGoff, there is also a whole unaired episode, deemed too controversial, in which the kids discussed politics.

Nah. You’d be protected by the sheer density of your awesomeness. +10 treadwear protection. 

Did you just make an analogy between guns and cars? Because “putting holes where there weren’t holes before” doesn’t really count as a useful secondary application.

I’ve really hated most of “remasters” that Squenix have done which mostly amount to being mobile ports. I'm glad they are trying something new here and adding to the story and lore of 7. That said, I really, really hate this site redesign right now.

That’s certainly a great point, but, I have one question for you: How old where you when you first played the game?

Initial reactions: Ok, this is pretty cool. Plays like a more grounded Kingdom Hearts. And the voice acting is actually tolerable! The visuals are gorgeous and it’s nice to see Midgar fully realized (posters on walls, subway maps and timetables, etc).


I have played FF7 approx 35 times in the last 22 years of my life, I’m not playing FF7R expecting FF7, I’m playing FF7R for a BRAND NEW VISION of the game I played 22 years ago.

I find this whole “Pay $60 for 1/20 of the game is dumb” argument to be ridiculously stupid. You do realize that you’re paying not for the story but the new game in its entirety right? If you just want the story, I have news for you, just don’t buy it and watch a LetsPlay. You think Square can just crap out games of

Enjoy Eureka! It was divisive content on release, but I had a good time with it.

There was never really any “reason to do” Eureka beyond personal enjoyment and the various other minor rewards- the weapons and gear were a huge grind and under-powered compared to comparable stuff outside Eureka. The number of people who say they hated it but still did it for the Relic makes me kind of sad, because

What’s Bobcat Goldthwait up to?

Something Wicked This Way Comes was pretty dark too.

I think we all know the answer is Gilbert Gottfried.

Himself, obviously.

Getting the guy who played Cobra Commander to play Doom is a bit on the nose, tbh.

Don’t worry, nothing bad has ever happened when a Voorhies is bullied and abandoned by their peer group. 

It’s like their sandwiches in word form.