
Oh look, a self-important comics gatekeeper! Look, Comic Book Guy, I stopped collecting Ghost Rider back when it was Dan Ketch. I like how you want to critique my criticism by claiming I’m just an MCU fan, but then also referencing... Agents of SHIELD. It’s all the same bag.

Got black screen problems

Some characters have variable relations to scientific laws. Gamora, for instance, can survive the crash of Ronin’s ship, a space-pod explosion, literally floating unprotected in space, and the second crash in GOTG2... but Thanos drops her off a cliff and it’s game over!

To everyone mentioning Real Steel in the comments: I’m proud of you.

With how well FFXIV implements a gamepad I honestly struggle going back to KB/M... the set-up they use should be industry standard for MMOs. For anyone worried about hotbar space when using a gamepad you can have up to 48 abilities mapped comfortably, 64 a little less comfortably... plus a whole host of extra hotbars

Thank you. Like... the premise of this article is “I ran into a bug and allowed it to confirm my negative preconceived notions about a game as a whole without any additional information”. Okay. It just bugs me, because the team has obviously done a ton of work to improve the game and it offers what I want from a

The moment where, seconds after I said “What the fuck?” in real life, Desmond said those EXACT SAME WORDS... that’s one of gaming’s greatest moments for me.

Wait, Assassin’s Creed games have endings? I thought they were engineered such that you played them for 100 hours and then lost interest, thus eliminating the need to actually have an ending at all.

AC2's ending is also incredible for the WHO IS DESMOND?? moment that Ezio gets shortly after kicking the crap out of the Pope. 



If they put Wind Waker, Ocarina, and Majora on the same cartridge, they would probably shut down the internet single handedly

I’m not sure I understand what you mean about “getting the short stick”.

Interestingly, SM3DW levels are pretty short if you’re just racing to the end. The time is in finding the green stars and stamp.

My sister and I can leave the NES on for days or even weeks in order to play and complete SMB3. It’s not connected to cable (obviously), so we leave it on AV/whatever, and it doesn’t overwrite the news. It works well enough, and the system survived through multiple runs like this, interestingly enough. We actually

The way I’ve always viewed my employment is that, in the extreme, my employer’s ideal situation is to get infinite work from every employee for no pay (slavery), while the worker’s ideal situation is to get infinite pay for no work. Obviously neither extreme works, so we meet somewhere in the middle with an implied

In the MCU Peter has his original webshooters and hoodie-costume. But it takes Tony Stark to create the iconic Spidey costume from the comics. So this Peter isn’t even allowed to create his original comics costume.

And yet it didn’t prevent you trying to say. Feel free to shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off.

I kinda want him playing himself, because Loki actually kidnapped Matt Damon to play him.

It’s the same thing as “Man, SNL sucks now.” Nah, it doesn’t. It’s about as good as it ever was. You just have rose-tinted glasses for the episodes you remember watching as a kid/teen. The show has always been hit or miss, as have Final Fantasy games, depending on what you’re looking for in a JRPG.