
I think she was more mad about the lack of cooperation they were exhibiting, tbh. Dunno, not my kids, wasn’t my decision to ground him lol

As much as I enjoy the series, and I really do despite everything, it was so painfully obvious that she was winging it the whole time and had absolutely no idea where the story or characters would go at any given point, meanwhile patting herself on the back for every allegory she came up with. 

It’s still available at least as of today. I bought a Tenet Blu-Ray and received the 14 days free trial code in my email. The offer is also good for other movies and video games as well.

To those that wonder why everyone is being so vague, my best guess is that there are some legal, contractual issues preventing full public disclosure. Nevertheless, I appreciate Gal Godot sharing enough to explain why she finds Ray Fisher’s claims to be plausible, and I’m guessing Mr. Fisher does as well.

It’s crazy to me that devs keep seeing people say “Man, I’d love to play [insert usually open world single player game] with my friends!” and then apparently read it as “Man, I’d love to play certain aspects of this game in a semi-competitive PvP setting with an insane grind and most of the things I enjoyed about the

This motherfucker and his adequate at best, journalism. Look just because you have your free system to play on for the next generation for being able to write for a website, doesn’t mean the last generation is over. Not by a long shot. This pandemic has hit us hard. Barely even have enough for christmas presents and

Fallout 76 is the perfect example because it should, by all rights, be dead. Nothing about it worked, everyone hated it, it was a complete and total disaster at every possible level...but people still played it. Lots of people still played it. There were no shortage of complaints from the player base but, for whatever

So your position is the low-stakes gaming equivalent of “I got mine, fuck you”?

I mean

“I don’t feel bothered by this, therefore noone should

Oh god, it’s the age-old “It’s not that bad, other things are so much worse” defense.  It’s ok for people to criticize things that aren’t literally cancer or the holocaust.

You could’ve saved yourself, and indeed the rest of us, some time and just typed ‘fuck you, I got mine’.

“‘tent (content)“

Disney+ isn’t putting up a ton of new ‘tent (content) in January


Okay. I’m not wholly DISagreeing, but can we acknowledge that Christopher “Fuck You Plebs, Go Get COVID at the Theater” Nolan’s (Grim)Dark Knight Thrillogy is also to blame for the DCEU aesthetic? Those master(bation)pieces made WB a ton of money so of course they hit CTRL-C CTRL-V on that shit.

“Who’s the talentless clown now, assholes?”

I hate the online shitheads have stolen this term, because isn’t Letter 2 what the “White Knight” fantasy is all about? I’d bet money his end game with this whole scheme is that the woman falls in love with him.

I think you mean “WTF is Soda”