The answer to both of those questions is the same: your mom.
The answer to both of those questions is the same: your mom.
Nobody seems to care about the fact that there are men out there that are being manipulated by these women.
Why pay a QA team to test your game when you can have your players pay YOU to do the testing for you?
Not today, unfortunately. I used the same reply because I was given effectively the same argument three times, and didn’t feel like giving the same answer three different ways.
Lazy. Not drunk. There’s a definite distinction in my case.
I have, and let me tell you, it was the most erotic experience of my life.
So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site? How is this not marked as a fucking ad?
I was in a Guild for a year and half nearly showing up almost everynight. Everyone was kind and relatively decent. We threw the risqué joke out there once in a while and we would occasionally joke around with each other but nothing terrible. The guild was lead by a guy we all got to know who was very charismatic with…
Still, it’s gone from my machine, and whatever Blizzard will show at Blizzcon had better be mighty impressive if they want me to spend another € on them.
To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.
It’s not even from the correct movie!
You can beat Minecraft? Had no idea.
It’s not their first direct sequel. That would be (checks notes) Zelda 2.
Yeah, after doing one or two of the Riddler missions I gave up on completing anything other than the main game. In fact, the car tracks were one thing that pushed my suspension of disbelief too far. It just made no sense that Riddler could build these Nascar-sized tracks underground without anyone noticing, even if he…
Speaking as someone who teaches the discipline, you strike me as the sort of person who comes into my 100-level courses declaring themselves “a WRITER” and then drops the second I apply a few lower-level corrections to your atrocious grammar and syntax—without ever bothering to look at the higher-order concerns with…
Can I switch grays with you?
I hate to break it to everyone on this thread, but this is the cost of gaming now-a-days.
Considering prices have stagnated for 15 years (don’t you guys member when prices for a new game was 49.99 and then it jumped with the PS3 and 360 and people complained??? It hasn’t changed since then).
They’ve stayed constant…
The flaw with that approach is that it equates the size of a game with its value, which is problematic for all sorts of reasons. Size can certainly be one factor in assessing a game’s value, but most people would rather pay $60 for a 15-hour experience like Uncharted 2 than they would pay $60 for 100 hours of, say,…
Right on man, and we gotta put these people in their place. Did you know there is a bunch of people who put on full costumed personas and do comedic bits along with games? Fuckin, I thought this was supposed to be a gaming site, not a comedy special on Netflix! Don’t get me started on the people that use twitch to…
This is the cringiest thing I have read in the comments, I think I need a shower to wash off the stench of bigoted bullshit that is waffling off of this.