
While I agree that the ultimate goal here is for public spaces to be free from harassment that doesn’t mean that our current crop of women should be left out in the cold. The Wing offers a real benefit for women and gender minorities that public spaces very patently do not.

Ummm Christina looks amazing!

Paula Abdul started as a LA Lakers cheerleader.

I think CPR is a great idea. It would definitely stop a school shooter.

Kevin McAllister traps

no bitch i dont wanna follow you on your fitness journey lol

How you are today. 9 out of 10 people who ask don’t give a crap.

I really think “I would have voted for Obama for a 3rd term” deserves it’s own.

So if there’s a place that is very hard to get reservations for, and a cheerleader manages to snag one, and she takes her parents there for their 50th anniversary, if an NFL player shows up, unannounced, and the maitre d’ allows him to be seated, SHE is the one who is in violation of the rules and has to leave?

But, really, that particular hypocrisy is the least offensive part of this story.

Wait they’re mad at an immigrant for speaking English now? What the fuuuckkkk.

I mean, hopefully you’re washing at least hands and sex toys beforehand. Genitals would be nice, too, but at least they don’t touch the railing on buses (IDEALLY).

“Help us, Tiffany Trump. You (and Robert Mueller, and Paul Manafort, and Stormy Daniels, and Hope Hicks, and Vanessa Trump, and phenylalanine) are our only hope.”

Between this and the news that Jared Kushner’s brother donated $50,000 to March For Our Lives AND marched alongside them, hope is slowly returning to mind.

More importantly, the punishment for shoplifting isn’t death, so their response is legitimately sickening.

I feel pretty confident that money should not be stored in the vagina.

Seriously. You’d be one child’s pose away from dusting weird Steve who always sets his mat up right behind you.

And yes, I would deposit a few dollars back up there as a thank you. I’m not a heathen.

If I was performing a bit of the cunnilingus and I happened upon a flask - I would take a nip without even asking what type of booze was being stored.

Yeah, I attempt at downward facing dog and she’s either shot herself in the crotch or at minimum her gun is poking her in a sensitive area.