
she’s probably got good hair

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

Most of the mess is all show and ego to be honest. UKIP has suspended many a racist in its time just as most of the parties have, such as that Tory MP who couldn’t understand why you can’t say the N word and Ken “Hitler” Livingstone whose every third sentence is mentioning Hitler and the Jews.

Princess Michael of Kent is of royal stock- she’s got a good mix of gentry and royals in her family tree- but not British royalty (who are all Germans anyhow). She’s written a couple books on her family history as well in her campaign to be the royalest royal of all royalty. From her wikipedia page, I have pulled the

No one bloody likes her. Even the most diehard Royalists refuse to defend her.

UKIP fell apart the moment after Referendum day. All they ever were was a convenient vote to say “I’m Eurosceptic”. It’s why they plunged from winning the European Parliament elections in 2014 with 26% of the vote to completely failing in the 2017 General Election with only <2% of the vote.

Well we know Princess Michael does...

Probably the same place she learned about how the British royalty is all descended from Germany.

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,”

In Ms. Markle’s case, it is her father’s side of the family that seems sketchy. Her mother has never seemed anything but polite and respectable in all the media circus that has surrounded her. The half-siblings from her father (at least the ones who’ve been picked up on by the media) seem to be a few bricks shy of a

I legit once realized my head was too fat for Zara. I tried on a size large shirt when I am usually a medium everywhere else, and it got stuck on the top of my nose. After I untangled it, I checked to see if there was a zipper or button or anything. Nope. My head is too fat for clothes.


So! You’re a Rear Admiral in the Navy, and an MD. Presumably, you make it that far in your career you care a little bit about your credibility. What are the odds that Dr. Jackson has the courage to disavow this note if it actually turns out to be forged?

p.s Could one of your journalists cover the story which broke in some of the UK newspapers about this politician’s girlfriend (Jo Marney) saying that Meghan Markle is going to taint the Royal bloodline with her “negro” blood.

Has there ever been such an outstanding collection of humor anywhere, ever? Black twitter is just beyond.

Don’t play with me, son.
