
Oh Mads is hot. You need to check out Pajiba, they are always talking about Hannibal and then it turns into a Mads gif off in the comments section :-)

I do think that Messina having to take off to film the messed things up a bit. I am just worried that they have made Danny so unlikable that him getting redeemed in like one or two episodes won't feel earned. Sigh.

Yeah I already know how relationships work thanks very much and nice to see you admit this season has been uneven. We are allowed to discuss this episode and the season to date and talk about why it's not working for us. And we've already seen sad Danny who realizes he needs Mindy (season 2. We've already seen Danny

shhh don't ask questions like that lol. But seriously you nailed it. We all have been talking about that for weeks. And I too hated what they did with Casey. I know it was so that we could get one step closer to Danny and Mindy but seriously that whole character arc for Casey made no sense at all.

No that is a good question and I have no idea. I think the one episode where they accidentally saw each other naked and he told her she was perfect the way she was…I wanted to climb him like a tree. And not until this show did I ever notice him in that way at all.

Yeah it's bad writing because we are not seeing both sides to this at all. Danny is the bad guy. No one is rooting for them and we all can guess they are breaking up and Danny will see the light and get it together for the umpteenth time. It's not a show that is showing anything new and unlike last year where I was

That's true. He is funny though so I would be surprised if they turned this from a comedy into a dramedy.

Beverly has like one line per episode lol.

Yeah it is. I think that's the one about to be rolled out soon. They moved to LA now for the rest of Live by Nights filming.

Yeah I wonder that too. That whole storyline was dumb.

Me too Brendan is awesome.

Oh man. Let's not forget how much we ignore Jeremy for more of the Morgan show. I am sick of that too.

Yeah I am sure that Danny is going to totally see it in such a sane and rational way with the way he's been acting all season

Yep. I just watched old stuff after this.

Cool. I couldn't find the link. I thought I saw it on Vulture but couldn't find it after googling. Maybe Michael on TV Line or whatever that is called will know.

That's just what I saw. I am assuming they will resume filming after the holiday. They also shoot out of order based on comments made from previous threads so who knows.

Not really since this is sitcom 101 at this point. Break up lead couple cause of reasons and then get them back together. She's not reinventing the wheel at all. I was excited about them actually incorporating the baby so well. And I was looking forward to Danny and Mindy showing how tired new parents are and how hard

I hope they do show what happened to Danny in California. It didn't make a lot of sense why he stayed so long and why last season his sister Little Danny was going to come and live with them. Where the heck is her mom???

Yeah they do, but since this is a sitcom with bad writing I am calling that out. The writers have done a poor job of showing us both sides. All we see is Danny is a bad guy for demeaning Mindy's job, for demanding that they have more kids ASAP, and refusing to get married unless she gives in. As someone upthread said