
The Irish slaves people are exhausting.


So good

Damn. Howling over did you forget refrigerators.

She was too boring for words this revival. And she's 32 and still super self absorbed

Yeah that doesn't work for me. Am I supposed to like her?

She always does that just ignore her.

FTLOG I was calling what they turned his character into a dumpster fire of a character. Meaning point black they have changed Original Danny into a mess. I am allowed to like or dislike anything about this show that I want. I don't really care that Mindy is shown as imperfect. That's kind of the point of the show. I

I didn't call him a dumpster fire. I was replying I said he was a caricature now.

What? I am not giving Mindy a pass either. I wish she had more interactions with the nurses (not freaking Morgan) or other females period. I miss her friendships.

I think at this point because of the whole mess with continuity they could have changed it up. Heck I would have been praising Mindy to high heavens if she had been the person to go out and earn for her family and Danny stayed home. There is tons of material that they could have went to there.

Yeah. I have to agree. I am sad that this show has turned into something I no longer enjoy.

Seriously this is a huge wall of text to me.

I have no idea what to say to most of what you said.

I agree. I honestly thought this show was better than this. And it doesn't even make sense that Danny from last season who didn't want to get married because he was scared he wouldn't be in his son's life if he and Mindy didn't work out is just freaking gone now. I mean where the heck is Annette in all of this? She

That kid storyline was so stupid. Frankly it would have been better for Jeremy to come along. Sigh.

I agree. Why the hell wouldn't Richie want to be there? I know they had to do it because Messina was filming. But that whole storyline didn't hold water at all.

Yeah maybe sometime after Christmas they will let people know.

Oh yeah I loved Hannibal. Visually stunning. I was all over that show and his hot self.

Yeah based on what they said back in September that we would see more of Eliza Coupe's character and she was being positioned as a friend to Mindy, it seems like there has to be one going out on the dating scene episode. And yeah we already saw Mindy date. I really don't want the next 12 episodes of her trying to