
Yeah they will be in January. It's pretty much spoiled at this point. Even without spoilers you can watch this episode and see that she measured her son's crib. She went back to her apartment. She cried and looked resigned while Danny slept. So I am seeing a pretty bad conversation happening between them.

No you're right. No official breakups. Just almost sort of break-ups where things didn't get resolved until the next episode. I am thinking of the episode where Peter moved next door when it came out that he wanted to knock down the shared wall for his ma. And then yeah I call the season finale where he said he

Yeah. I bet he ignores his ma and it takes Christina maybe opening up about why she cheated on him. Something tells me his controlling ways will come up. And can we talk about how obsessed he is over his ma always being happy and he can't read the room when his girlfriend is miserable?

Yeah and up until now he only wanted one and she was the one who wanted 9. Which goes back to what everyone said about him being inconsistent. And if that's his ultimate throw down I would refuse to have kids too. He keeps demeaning her job and also calling what she does is a hobby. He be livid if someone called his

Oh yeah I'm sure that's what's going to happen. But ten bucks says Mindy gets a new love interest and she's rorn between him and Danny. I'm just bored with the whole thing. As someone already said it be great to see them stay together and work through it. Most shows don't show that on comedies. The couple is either

That would be something different. It would at least stop the unending break up thing they are on now. Maybe they just get back to dating and parenting and see about couples therapy or one on one therapy. Since Danny's ex was referenced by Kaling and I think one of the producers in September I assume that Christina

Not yet but based on the episode I think next episode is going to start with her saying she's going to move back home. Or heck maybe they fast forward past that and they are just broken up. Hulu doesn't have any sneak preview up yet.

I think I saw somewhere today its back towards the end of January I think for Messina's filming and Kaling's book tour. If I can find the link I'll come back to post it. I know Messina has one movie due out soon and is filming the Batfleck movie rigt now.

She told him already she wants to work and doesn't want to stay home. Him throwing guilt down at her and taking the wedding away as punishment because she won't get in line is bs. Adults don't do that. The character of Danny would never be this tone deaf to what she needs and risk losing her and his son. He talked to

I loved 30 Rock because Cross was weird and got that Liz had control issues and needed to work. He was the perfect guy for her because she didn't change for him at all. Her and Carol did t work because they were too similar,her and Drew didn't because he was dumb,and her and Dennis didn't because he was a psychopath

I agree.

I hope they do. It's just unreal he's just bullying her to get what he wants and doesn't seem to realize he's losing her and she's unhappy.

Well she did write for The Office and that show had everyone breaking up all the time.


Lead guy and girl love each other but break up cause of reasons. They both date other people but still feel pulled to each other. Last minute realize they can't live without each other and get back together. Lather, rinse, and repeat.

Yeah I just felt letdown. I seriously just watched an old episode of 30 Rock after and went about my night/morning.

I think Delauriers are possible.

I know that as I said upthread. What's new is the we must have a ton of kids. Mindy owns her apartment. And Danny is totally ignoring what Mindy has been saying. This is the same guy who was ready to move to San Francisco with her, who proposed when he realized that not only did she need a marriage but so did he. He's

This! How in the world does he always go back to square one learning nothing but Mindy does?

Who's telling them. They have broken them up every season since the second one. It's season four and we are back to square one only now there's a baby. We don't get to see why Danny is so frantic to have a baby. We only see characters telling Mindy he's treating her badly and abandoned her. They are not writing both