
Exactly! Heck even Liz and Criss in 30 Rock worked because they got each other. So did Paul and Jenna. I just don't get how typical sitcoms like this always mess up the couples with back and forth mess.

I think it's ratings myself and Kaling and writers are one of those who don't know how to do a show without the central couple breaking up or having drama to ultimately get together.

I think that's it. Fox wanted it to be a straight up comedy with some drama elements. This has had very few comedic moments the last few episodes. Like Casual is dark and at times funny but is definitely a drama. My friend last night while we watched said this show is The Office on drugs.

What Apathy said. At the start of season one Zoe Jarman's character just started working there. I wish we had gotten her having phone conversations with her missing friends though.

Ha good idea. Forgot he was in that video.

I think that's what gets me. They have a ton of episodes I need to see where the heck Danny who only wanted one kid decided he must have several. The Mindy staying at home thing was brought up in season 2 finale so that's not totally random but the rest is.

I guess I'm just sad because the whole season telegraphed this happening and it didn't feel earned. We had Danny out of nowhere demanding Mindy stay at home and lets have another baby. We had Peter and Lauren saying well of course they have a bad relationship. There was a lot of things going on and I feel like I


Yeah they changed it to she owns it though she didn't in season 2. I would hope so too but I assume Danny will be all no.

That's true. I assume he gets his usual I'm being an idiot epiphany the last two/three episodes

Nope. It's so boring. I'm not going to lie I'm pretty disappointed by this season for the most part. First few episodes were golden and now everything is just fighting and yelling and watching Mindy stand up for herself.

Oh I know. I refuse to respond to her/him anymore. They are just trolling at this point.

Sorry to hear about your bf.

I agree. I love Jeremy. I wish we got more of him instead of Morgan overload every episode.

Me either! Love all your points!

Wow. So Shannon changed the name from that to Tbsha? whatever? Because the name changed and I only saw it as the second name, never Shannon. That is why I got confused. Her/His comments to me got deleted and I only noticed when I went back to check the notifications and realized it was now showing as deleted.

Nah she's not Shannon. Who is that? I saw someone getting up in arms about someone named Hannah the past three weeks though?

I do too. Her appearance was hilarious as hell. They made it seem like she's going to be Mindy's new girl friend and I am assuming they will be doing the single's scene together. Big sigh. So we have that to look forward to? I mean I love Eliza. But I don't want to watch Mindy try to date as a single mom. If she and

Yeah it's dark and weird and I am not getting it. I loved this show's first three season and loved the first half. Now I am all, when did this show turn into Casual?

I agree. I thought that Kaling would be better at showing a tv relationship without all of the breakups and get back together. Did I applaud the character for standing her ground, yes. But she's had to do so many times now I just don't care. I thought they were going in another direction from the beginning of the