laser beams

This looks pretty great. It translates the basic concepts of the main games into a new action-centric genre. I'm excited to play it as a fan of the main series.

Agreed. Time stresses me out. I never got far in Majora's Mask specifically because of the stressful time limit.

Japanese Saturn pad belongs here, and the original dual shock was pretty awesome, too. I hate the DS4. But hey: opinions.

I never played 2, nor did I ever play any of the DLC. I may pick this up when it hits $30.

I’m an old school FF fan. I want it to be good, but after playing the demos, I have serious doubt. I’m not going to rain on anyone’s parade, but I’m not a fan of the direction the series has taken in the past 12 years or so, and I don’t expect anything in this game to change my mind.

I much preferred the XMB of the PSP/PS3. It was so clean and intuitive. I wish they would let you opt into that for PS4.

Makes sense (in hindsight). This was nearly 5 years ago, and I simply don’t engage with idiots on the Internet anymore :)

I remember being very disappointed in the N64 when it was out. It launched with arguably the best game of the generation with Mario 64, and it wasn’t until ‘97 that the good games started coming- and they were still few and far between and never seemed to live up to that initial potential.

At least we're getting it this year. I was hoping they'd release it earlier to avoid getting buried in the Holiday flood :/

A buddy just loaned me Uncharted 4, so that’s what I’m finally getting around to. Also got my new HD Retrovision cables, so I’ll probably be digging through my old 16-bit carts for some classics.


Maybe if people took a break from commenting on the Internet and opened a book, there wouldn't be a need to explain an obvious joke that references something that actually mattered more than 2 years ago.

John Hughes died 7 years ago. Thankfully the Ghostbusters are back from the 80's- maybe they can put you in touch with his ghost.

Super excited for this. I used to have Dragon Warrior VII on PS1, but never finished it, and now I don’t even know where it is (possibly parents house?). The remaster looks beautiful, and now we can’t take JRPG’s for granted anymore like we could in the ‘90's, so I’m definitely picking this up on day one.

Underwater “Journey” in super-HD? Sold.

Don’t worry- I’m sure they’ll have a dozen different skins for sale for a couple bucks on day one.

Please tell me they're NOT making a Spider-Man font PS4, though.

I’m glad I backed this, but going 3D was a poor choice, aesthetically. Drab backgrounds do not pop at all and the characters get lost in the muddy tones.

Scorpio: “You ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?”

At least the game looks solid. Everything else has been a trainwreck, though- and this promo is no exception :(