Real Americans eat KFC*
*With a fork and knife on their private jet and have their assistant tweet a picture of it.
This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.
President-Elect Donald Trump Takes Credit For Not Scuttling Existing Deal
Hillary made Isis u freakin moron,robbed us blind and is a pathological liar have you ever met Donald Trump do you even know what he’s going to do no one does so all you morons you probably like Barack don’t have a freaking clue oh yeah Hillary was so great she let a non-politician kick her fat ass good for her she…
If you ever fall under an authoritarian regime, this German will come.
All free people of the world are Berliner; one has to look out after one’s fellow citizen.
The most votes matters in a true Democracy. Unfortunately America is a Republic. Getting the most yards doesn’t matter when you turn the ball over 4 times inside the 10 yard line.
Amazing who can get the most votes when the entire party apparatus throws its muscle behind one candidate, when voter rolls are purged in populous areas that skew towards your opponent (or, wait, is disenfranchisement only bad when Republicans do it?), when the financial industry throws millions of dollars into one…
I’m sure these warnings will be just as heeded as the “don’t run the one person who might lose to an idiot like Donald Trump” warning.
Wait, but just because the total number of votes she got is greater than Clinton’s margin of defeat doesn’t mean that she cost Clinton the election. Some of Steins voters actually prefered Trump over Clinton. The people who voted for Stein did so out of protest, and if they were forced to pick between Trump and…
“Thug” and “disrespectful to the game” are not applicable. Let’s just go with “he’s a dick”. You can apply your sense of racial righteousness to the next situation when appropriate.
Deadspin wouldn’t give a shit if that were true
Can we kill the Bernie Bro narrative you morons cling to? There is literally no evidence former Sanders supporters protest voted in a manner that changed the election, or in any sizeable number whatsoever. Clinton lost because her campaign sucked, and people in the rust belt are gullible, desperate people willing to…
No, it’s the constant whining about every little comment or joke people make.
As a Polack, I approve of this message.
You’re the reason progressives lose elections.
Apparently there was a large shorting of Lockheed Martin stocks minutes before the Trump tweet which dropped the share price.
Better than Skip Bayless and Stephen A Smith -- they’d just find a way to suggest that the candy is racist and LeBron James is a gobstopper compared to Michael Jordan being a jawbreaker.
The candy metaphor is super layered. Either he’s like hard candy and breaks all the time, or he’s like a Twizzler and flails around.