
The full video is one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen. Because Handgun Becky seemed to trying to deescalate the situation, in an admittedly terrible, privileged, and ham-fisted way. But then mom slaps the car, and she’s Annie Oakley.

I like the vibe... but have never seen one in the flesh.

My bet is that wanted to ensure the desk couldn’t be used while driving.

Dodge drivers are already the most obnoxious people on the planet. Doesn’t matter what type of vehicle - ram, charger, challenger, they’re all exclusively driven by shrimp-dick wannabe tough guys. Every time you see a lifted, coal-rolling pickup swerving between lanes erratically, it’s a dodge. Every time someone revs

I watched this and first I was like HAHAHAHHAHA damn girl get out of your eggamuffin feelings before you hurt yourself....

 I explicitly used the “$400/mo  headline” because folks outside of our core readership are more likely to click on that rather than “Nice cars you can get for $21,000"  but I do go to explain how I arrived at that number while keeping a reasonable loan term. 

The car is ugly. It looks like someone took a Mercedes and then immediately went to PepBoys to install fake chrome vents and other little bits of unnecessary stuff.

Sure that works for me. I have a $60K workshop in the back with $20K in tools so I can repair any old POS I buy. I can do anything but alignments. On the other hand, what can the poor people do? Most can’t work on cars. How many single moms can replace the steering rack in their $2K beater?

Sure it’s great advice if you’re already wealthy. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck like most people with subprime loans, it’s just like suggesting they get 2-3 more jobs. It’s pretty tone deaf.

Look, FFVI is the best of the series by such a wide margin it renders this whole question moot. It has the best and most dynamic cast, the best story, the most sweeping narrative, the best villains, and (perhaps arguably) the best soundtrack. Everyone who played it in its prime has had that experience stay with them

Look, FFVI is the best of the series by such a wide margin it renders this whole question moot. It has the best and

“Next logical game” and “best” are two different answers, methinks.

“Next logical game” and “best” are two different answers, methinks.

I noticed self-styled “progressives” use “The Establishment” the exact same way the MAGAbot use “deep state”. It’s whatever they don’t like.

This type of shit is one of the reasons Bernie lost. Turns out, black Americans, especially older ones (who overwhlemingly voted for Biden) did not like being labled “the

This car is ugly and looks tacky as hell. I see you are trying real hard to make it happen, but it just doesn’t work for me.

People who recline are monsters. Full stop. 

I’m a dude. And my ass only looks good in pants, which hide all the butt hair.

Guaranteed that cologne and that beer are the same product in different packages.

I get where you’re coming from, but it’s part of the story. Any story that deals with a minority, the fact they’re a minority is often part of the story. It may not be a big deal in the world of the game, but it’s a big deal in this world where queer characters are rare and underserved.

I found Homecoming too self centered and wrapped up in this godly, perfect, non critical image of Beyonce. If you aren’t a hardcore Bey fan is pretty unswallowable.

While we are at it, can we enact another law that will force UberX drivers to have at least a year of city driving experience before allowing them onto city streets?