
I own an older model. It's steel and heavy, but fairly comfortable and sturdy.  Great for car camping or break it out for company if you run out of places to sit on the patio.  Also good for person + dog. 🙂

I own an older model. It's steel and heavy, but fairly comfortable and sturdy.  Great for car camping or break it

doesn’t make him any less of a finger in the booty @ss b!tch.

New Yorkers tend to not care about anything outside of New York, but to be fair I dunno where the author’s based.

This is one that I find it really hard to get upset about.  People have been doing that kind of thing to standees forever.  Wearing Team Mitch shirts makes you an asshole, messing around with a standee does not.

Is that a squashed squirrel ?

This is why I think 99% of cultural appropriation accusations are bullshit. The very people making the accusations are inconsistent and the same publications will call out one instance but excuse another based on how much they like that celebrity or whether or not they’re white.

Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble. 

Watching Shawn Mendes on SNL made me feel like Jeff Epstein.


I know the difference is subtle, but—the Dodge Stealth was better-looking than the Mitsubishi. Better than the Camaro or Mustang, too.

Because they're all 85 years old. 

I consider myself a very socially liberal person who tries to reject and combat tribalism on every level. Except when it comes to snowboarders.

As a skier who skied both Deer and Alta this past season, I can tell you that I very much enjoyed the experience without snowboarders around, for many of the reasons listed in the article. The vast majority of skiers and snowboarders are considerate and respectful, but I’ve come across people acting like asses, they

Uhhh, telmark skis and XC skis are completely different things. Telmark skis are designed for back country where you need to be able to both efficiently skin up and across flat ground, but also be able to downhill ski. XC are, of course, mostly for traversing long distances on flat or slightly sloped ground. Further,

I’m a high school teacher in Toronto and the vaping is pretty out of control in my school. While I absolutely don’t condone testing students, we are struggling with how best to convey that vaping indoors is inappropriate and bad for their health. It’s worrying to me that smoking was becoming a non-issue in schools

I mean, you could just keep playing the original. I was impressed by the combat on this.

+ 1 tbsp paprika

Love them or hate them Chick-fil-a consistently has employees that are three or four steps above the average fast food employee. Probably a combination of offering very generous college scholarships to their high school employees and requiring their owner/operators to work in the stores before they can have their own

Honestly, I’ve seen this story plastered over instagram and jezebel, and people making fun of it on facebook. For some reason this, paired with the terrible news cycle, has made me think well - maybe Daenerys didn’t have it wrong after all. We’re utterly kind of garbage and care about such trivial things, and while we