Yoga Nerd, Maybe Dead

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Yes, Bobby can beat Jungletrax. BECAUSE HE IS A DOG. #teamdog #dontcare #bitemecatlovahs

North Dakota senator is going to be a “no” on DeVos because of all the calls to the office. That frozen tundra went for Trump hard core but people don’t want their education raided. They can and will listen, regardless of whether you voted for them. You are their constituent and if enough of you say it, they will

Yesterday at the rally in Battery Park after all the state and city officials talked, Tamika Mallory gave a fiery speech that demanded of them (I’m paraphrasing) “not only tell us that you stand with us, but show us that you stand with us.” I think it’s important to call and remind even your Democratic elected

Call them anyway! Look at how Ben Carson’s appointment to HUD Secretary cruised through committee before the protests coalesced and people got busy. Democrats voted for him, because they didn’t have a million boots up their asses. They can’t be trusted. We are the checks and balances, now.

Yes, it matters. Tailor your message, of course—e.g., don’t start with “hey, ya jagoff, I hate Republicans and I hate you and I’d rather vote for a pit viper than you because at least the pit viper is honest.” Mostly because if you use “jagoff” they’ll think you’re a Yankee.

I’m a Republican. This is beyond party politics. This is a risk to our very foundation of a country, no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on.

No, you Living in Kentucky makes you all the more valuable. Here in the blue states you call and get an “I know. I’m doing that. We know already.”

You are their constituent. They won’t magically know you didn’t vote for them.

Will this explanation assuage your conscience if the Trump administration turns out to be every bit as bad as we’re all afraid it will be? Will you feel like you did all you could, even things that seemed kind of piddly and pointless?

If my state is full of republican elected officials that i voted against anyway, then does it really matter much to them if i call and voice my dissatisfaction? Maybe just sheer volume from being inundated with calls MIGHT sway them, but i dont really have any leverage in the great commonwealth of Kentucky where even

That’s true! It’s even embedded within the DoI:

Rubio was one of the few who spoke out against Rex Tillerson. I disagree with most of his politics but in what I saw the day of the hearings, I think he may be more receptive than you’d think, if only for long-term political expediency. Toe the line but don’t offend too much of his base for now has been the norm

I did for the first time when Congress started its session this year. It’s easy. I do it pretty much everyday on my lunch break right now, and I mostly get through (unfortunately that means people in my state aren’t calling enough to clog all the phone lines, but we’re Louisiana so HEY, any little bit counts).

I just did the same thing. I hate talking on the phone, especially to strangers, but I had to do it. I have two Republican senators who have supported Trump whole-heartedly so far.

Never, ever forget. This is happening in the United States of America. It can happen anywhere. Unite. Unite on the local scale. Unite on the national scale. Unite on the Global Scale. Every nation has its version of 45. Every nation has its version of Steve Bannon. Every Nation has its version of Mike Pence.

If you truly believe it’s a pillar of American culture that a people have the right to dismiss a corrupt and harmful government, now’s your time to fucking show it.

You guys are great. I know lawyers are inherently unpopular (until you need them, the saying goes), but really, those of you who went in for the idealistic reasons (upholding the law/liberty/etc.) are awesome in my book, and this sort of shit really hits it home.

Which is to say: it’s not a lost cause.

The Dems should still primary Feinstein. Even if she belatedly develops a spine in the next year. She’s emblematic of the slow death of the party.