Yoga Nerd, Maybe Dead

Trump is an incredible businessman. He’s making government more efficient. By removing this redundant third branch of government, he has made America 33% more freedomiery.

At this point, it will be the third time I post this idea through different articles:

Now playing

Commander Riker figured this shit out years ago. You have to reroute through Cleveland.

The first step towards a fascist government. Remove government branches, one by one.

If Nov. 8th, 2016 didn’t show you we are no longer a country of laws and reason, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you think something like a judge or court order is enough to stop fascism, then have I got a bridge for you!

It’s classic dictator chic. Look familiar? (Ivanka’s practically in Evita’s exact dress!)

It is becoming clear that civil disobedience is our only choice. (imo)

Some of my friends were at JFK all night last night drafting habeas petitions, or acting as legal observers for protests. They are true heroes. I am stuck inside working all day today on my normal legal work, or I’d be out protesting right now. (I’m not an immigration lawyer, but if I were, I would be at JFK right

If such a ban stays, there will be a huge cost to the US. Forget hosting a World Cup (much cheaper and much more lucrative than hosting an Olympics) or any event that would bring individuals from that part of the world. Expect trickle down cancellation of events — conferences, sporting events, trade shows, tourism.

and now we have puppy bowl to look forward to !

It is like a bald version of the aliens from the MST3K movie.

Kind of disturbing. (But in the grand scheme of the Trumpocolypse...meh.)

In the longer scope of history, largely dudes who got murdered by their bodyguards.

Do you even clean, bro?

Stalin, too. Just for the sake of avoiding Godwin.

And, if we’d be nicer to him and not swear, we might get what we want.


Suddenly all those 2nd amendment nuts are making some good points.

At least the number of dystopian novels with rebellion plots recently have given us a gluttony of plans of attack to choose from. Soon we might be finding out exactly how far we’ve strayed from the roots of our country; I have to say, I never thought I’d be able to fully comprehend the emotional states of the