I have never seen smaller genitals.
I have never seen smaller genitals.
He signed up and knew the rules. Pretty simple. Pretty sure, no matter what you do, if you show up drunk and accidentally shot a gun off at work same would happen to you. Unless you work for your dad or something.
Im a tad skeptical of this entire story. Your credit score doesn't just drop 60 points because you close your card. Your AoC isn't even affected by it for years. Your utilization could be affected but that would mean his score dropped because his other cards were in high usage, not because he closed his card.
I know! Just $13! So cheap. It's like $22 where I live... Main reason why I sneak in vodka and candy.
Agreed. I divide my bills by pay periods in a month. I think the best advice is to suggest looking at your accounts at minimum twice a month. This means you’re more likely to make your minimum payment, you’re catching any fraudulent transactions much earlier, and you’re seeing your balanced so you are more likely to…
This was the most uneducated, angsty response I've ever read. How you tried to compare a gift card to 401k is illogical. For someone who puts PhD in their username, you sure aren't a bright one. So I'm going say it's safe to assume you aren't a brave Nazi fighting archaeologist.
Japanese style of motion-picture animation
Free online and I'll be able to transfer my save to a new PC? May grab this over AC if Nintendo doesn't clarify on saves.
Seems a tad bit antiquated considering virtual numbers are a thing. I usually only carry one card... The rest are in my mobile wallets. I could understand if this was a last minute flight, then it makes sense to check... But most people buy tckets well in advance... Meaning the fraudulent concern is nominal.
Hey, if someone wants to pay my taxes, because I always owe even though I claim 0, the go for it. Make me a happy tax paying citizen.
Euld be great if the photos were of entire aisles and not parts of an aisle...
Stfu. I can’t even right now. Man, I can only imagine how much money I would have had in my youth if I could request the date money back just because they weren't interested 😆 That's hysterical. This generation is amazing.
Curious to why you gave that stereotype to Joey? Aside from him liking to work out (most of the contestants seemed to havingas well) and an accent, nothing screams Jersey Shore or sociopath. I guess the shows premise is right, strangers online will stereotype you without really knowing you.
Remember when you didn’t have to spend money to protect yourself from theft of your “identity” because the country allowed the shitty credit system to get to the point where they have all the control over the citizens finances.
I have no faith in SE first party games being developed by 3rd party companies... Especially when we are talking about a f2p, likely p2w, mobile game.
You forgot the most important example: Google. No matter if you "web search" on Duck, Bing, AOL, Yahoo... Whatever.... You call it Googling.
Yea... When the main mechanic of your game is to have players wait on chests to open, you're begging to be shut down.
No mention of closing the cash shop... So they are going to drop support and working on new content and cards, but allow players to continue to "support" them... Very Bethesda of them.
Sim city but for with murderous dinos and incompetent staff.
Jurassic World Evolution will have a new expansion that brings you back the the original movie's island and a major update in December.