
Google 2.0

Lol. Assuming they would bring back a feature they removed... Must be new to Pokemon. 

Mommy and Daddy... Likely daddy though. 

Here I am pissed that I can’t access my digital cards on MTGO, after the breach, only spent a few hundred over the course of several years... Fuming that I'll never buy digital cards again... These guys are trading $1.5m game characters...

As someone who just this month completed USUM 2 years after release (because it was too similar and boring to be a sequel and was truly just a third version) I am shocked.

As a big fan of Civ, and having played them on PC for years... I don't think I can go back after playing on iPad. It's just so much better than mouse and KB or controller. 

So many typos but I caught it too late. It's decipherable. 

That would require a brain. Something the "hacker" and 2K PR staff both don't have. 

Well, this is a gaming community... Bad things like releasing the same game year after year with same bugs and glitches is frowned upon... 

Man if you’re going to hack a corporation’s social media account and talk about your hard dick, then at the very least post some pics.

I actually hate the idea of the anime speak for the Pokemon. I like the roars and cries, because it seems more "realistic" (as far as fantasy RPGs go)... I do wish they sounded better though because your description is dead on. Dial up modem for sure. 

So less for more is something you are ok with? It isn’t just Dexit. It’s literally the entire game. Shorter story. No end game content. No real content. Major features are removed. Reused assets... Yea it isn’t just about the missing Pokemon. It’s about asking us to pay for more and giving us less than what was given

Buy used. Do not support the devs. Do not buy digitally. Do not buy new. Buy on eBay or used at a store. 

Yup. I personally was upset about Dexit, but I wasn’t going to completely dismiss it until it launched to see whether or not the allocated the time and resources that would’ve went into bringing all 800+ Pokemon into this game actually improved the overall game... It did not. It’s gotten even more watered down than

Yea. 40 meters is a significant distance.

Damnit? Isn't that a good thing? That was your only reason as to avoiding Messages. You should be "yay"-ing! 

“Not that bad” is like saying drinking expired milk is not that bad because it only gives you the runs for a day or two.

Wait, so that is a legit rule in the ToS? You can't have a guest who has been banned? How can they go about knowing that all Twitch streamers are aware of this? I mean, sure if both are a streamer of the same game chances are they would know... But what if it were a new streamer of a different game? Or a streamer in

A lot of the reviews the reviews aren’t mentioning anything being brought back which is equally as concerning as the lack of the full Pokedex. No mention on berry growing or Pelago type area, PSS/Festival Plaza/Avenue etc., any form of EV training shortcuts(I see the mention of feathers... So that’s something,) minigam

Could I live in a sweet 2B apartment in a building with nice amenities? Sure... With a roommate... But using the half of that rent for a studio is way better just to have your space and no cleaning issues or loud guests. Just overall privacy when you want to cook naked.