
Yea. It's unfortunate. I never have cash on me. The point of these apps was convenience for the customer. If I have to go to an atm to get cash (and then break the bills down for various tips) then I may as well pick up my groceries or pick up my pizza. 

I was obsessed with Instacart until all of this wage theft crap was reported in 2017/2018. Deleted my account and app. They will not get a dime from me. It's unfortunate because I had a regular shopper who was the friendliest and best at substituting items, who really deserved every dollar of my tip, and every dollar

This was pretty correct. Driver's didn't need to know the full balance sheet. They really didn't need access to how much a passenger paid, tipped, or other details. Consumer privacy should have extended to this.

Being aware doesn’t diminish the fear or the feelings of not wanting to be tracked. It infact heightens your wariness of what brands you use.

This is great information... But how are people dumbfounded by this? We have know apps have been doing this for years... Apps that are less about IRL/AR. Weather apps that you open once to see if it's going to rain that day log your movement numerous times an hour throughout the day. Those dating apps are just as

That makes no sense... Yes tencent has their hands in Epic games/Fortnite as they do with most of the gaming industry... You are correct in pointing that out.

Dd he really apologize on behalf of Blizzard for siding with a country that commits crimes against humanity by saying “we would’ve done the same thing if they player had made a statement for the other side” does he not realize how insensitive that sounds?

You are right. Their platform. Their rules. If this player broke a rule outlined in their agreement, then they can legally do as they please...

First Pokemon game I am skipping since what 1995 was it? Whenever RB came out to the states. I'll wait for the third version with all the Pokemon or a future gen or just call it quits. Looks decent otherwise. Hope whoever does end up getting it enjoys the game. However lackluster it may be.

No... Because in this game you're not playing against people. It's all bots... Err "ghosts"

It's pay to win and you're not even actually playing against real players... A one year sub of this game will get you the real game. Just do that. 

While I agree this is a bit egregious of Nintendo, especially right after Apple and Google released their gaming subs... It isn't unheard of from other games on mobile. Clash of Clans recently started, but in their defense they aren't locking out an entire mode. So I'm curious as to what gave Nintendo the idea that

Terrible logic. Even if you believe the fans are children or anime only that doesn’t change the fact that Nintendo can drive up the viewership much higher than Sony/Xbox fans. And that is because they have major IPs... Which in all honesty attracts fans of all ages. Whereas Xbox/Sony tend to gear their “directs” toward

I haven't had iOS in years and got an iPad pro a few months ago... When do they roll out the updates? I thought all devices pretty much got them within hours of each other. Did something change over the years?

While I agree Twitch needs to be heavily monitored for misuse of its platform, this cosplay should not have made it past a human review. 

Yup. At what point do you devs start releasing gutted games for pennies to gain the initial sale boost and then add a shit ton of microtransactions? Seems like a good time to cash in, but a terrible time to be a consumer. 

I don’t know where to post this, but please don’t start adding auto-play ads. That’s the quickest way to remove Kotaku and all of your other sites from my white list and put you on the black list on my ad blocker. Thanks. I can deal with ads, but when it's auto-playing video and audio, that's just disrespectful to

I really wish we had more context of the Skype logs. What he said is absolutely disgusting, but you're not showing the replies to said comments. Just because it is your boss that is saying something abhorrent, doesn't mean you can't fall them out for it or at the very least you don't go along with it and just not

Wait I thought I could do this on the 3/3XL... That sucks. 

Oh... Fall tv is starting soon and Trump is calling out celebrities with seasons starting up soon...