Dear Donald Trump,
Dear Donald Trump,
1.) Drive car to remote area
As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.
You neglected to mention the soulless as fuck drivers that make the 400 extra awesome. Literally some of the worst humanity I’ve ever encountered.
Honestly, the Federation really fucked/saved the Romulans with Sisko’s/Garek’s black flag operation. Best episode of Star Trek ever.
I’m not sure this is weird but I’m the kind of Star Trek fan that wants the Klingons as allies but never, ever peace with the Romulans.
Well the US has Trump now so it seems like a tie between the two now!
That’s great that it runs fine on your machine, but does that mean it runs butter smooth on everyone’s? Wtf bro?
whens the optimization DLC? I’d pay for that
It’s sad to see so many Jalops defending the actions in Charlottesville this weekend, but it doesn’t surprise me. It’s a sad day that these ‘men’ will defend Nazi flags and ideologies on American soil, and even worse that some of them seem to actively cheer for it.
If punching Nazis is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Who said anything about handouts? Or are we now classifying wages (i.e. the compensation received for work performed) as a handout in Trump’s brave, great, new America?
I know where I WON’T be shopping this Black Friday. As a habit, I refuse to shop any store that can’t respect its employees’ holiday time with their families. Such greedy practice deserves to end in failure.
This is sickening slander Jason and you’re better than this. How dare you bring the kind gentle northern Pacific ape into this mess of violence. Nothing about this altercation is anything like the life of a Sasquatch, they are kind peaceful beasts and when it comes to restraint and civility these Canadians could learn…
Our biggest mistake with the LCS program is trying to design/build these ships ourselves instead of sourcing them from the country that already has them way dialed-in: Norway.
But that game is the part that I dont want to play. Buying a car should be like buying a toothbrush. I go to the store, pick the exact one I want on the shelf, and then go home with it. If I have to haggle on price and deal with already installed options, I would rather just buy used from somebody else. The only…
The Ecoboost Flex laughs at your pitiful minivans.