Seems like Syrian airspace has become a zone...of danger.
Bingo, my friend.
For one thing, because people only spout that crap to make themselves feel good. It reminds me of the Louis CK bit about how he was proud of himself for thinking of giving up his first class airline seat to a soldier, but had no real intention of doing it.
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.
I don’t fault these ladies for what they’re doing at all, power to them. I do however think that anyone who actually regularly uses their services or “needs” it to enjoy the game is very strange.
Holdfast: Nations At War is an upcoming multiplayer shooter set during the Napoleonic Wars. It takes place both on land and at sea. It’ll be out in Early Access soon.
Remember all those “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey” jokes made 2003ish? Remember how US military power trampled all over civil rights afterwards too? How multiple countries found out their governments were strong armed (or bribed) into hosting CIA black sites, or had munitions that were illegal everywhere but America…
No no no, you don’t get it. We need to increase our use of oil, but decrease our use of foreign oil. We need those oil drilling and fracking jobs to Make America Great Again, but we need them in America.
Decreasing oil and gas usage? Why do you hate Making America Great Again? Go back to Russ ... er ... Venezuela you…
You’re going to appeal to human decency, while threatening them with your admin powers?
I’m not sure what to do with this. I sympathize, and know that this hits close to home for you. I will always use preferred pronouns when applicable, but gendered pronouns based on sex are not incorrect. Chelsea is biologically male.
My first car, 16 years ago now, was a 1994 dodge spirit...base model, 97hp 4 cyl, 3 speed auto, complete automotive tragedy. When I got it, the paint was peeling off all over. Being the crapbox that it was, it was not getting an expensive paint job, so I took it to a Maaco (Cranston, RI) just to make it semi…
Also, swap out Lexus badge with Merc badge: