
Finally, a Charles Pierce article I could read without subscribing... and it’s potentially the most bitter drivel I’ve ever consumed.

I’m a private-sector, born-and-bred Washingtonian, a Nats fan since they crossed the border, and I know many people (true, wonderful, actual local fans) that will be in attendance

Yep. Not huge on the stars-and-stripes interior (too busy, IMO), but the basic Curly W is simple, effective and gorgeous. Except when you’re on your way to a Nats game in Chicago wearing a shirsey, stop at a Walgreens in Wrigleyville and someone asks you for assistance.

Rather obscure jam band joke did not go unnoticed here. (The joke is obscure, not the band.)

Awesome work letting this guy walk, Montana.

As the saying goes, ball don’t lie. Shouldn’t have been a PK, so I’m glad he embarrassed himself. (I’m a DCU fan, but still... that run-up routine is awful.)

Taking the Architectural Registration Exams and just learned about the term Proxemics, which is a study based on comfortable social distances.

Intimate distance: 6-18"
Personal distance: 2.5-4'
Social distance: 4-8'
Public distance: 8-12'+

Per the above, your spacing of 3' between customers in line is teetering on the edge

Fucking quit, then. I’m sick of reading about how little he cares about playing. If you’d rather sit at home, good riddance... go be a douchebag on your own time and spare us the theatrics.

I’ve used the Tupperware salad-shaking method for years, but recently needed to break up some avocado, so I stabbed it with the end of a metal spatula and quickly realized that I could go Chop’t all over the damn thing, which ultimately made it 10x more delicious. Every time I do it now (which is every time) I think

I studied architecture at CUA and was fortunate to see the Shrine on a daily basis, and attend some spectacular Masses there (including a standing-room-only one on the Friday after 9/11). It truly is beautiful, and its scale is awe-inspiring.

Aside from the World Trade Center (which was for obviously different

Your argument here is clearly focused on the ACTUAL score, which, obviously, it has no impact. So you’re right, but it’s a very selective approach.

Since you’ve played hockey in so many rinks, including a big boy NHL arena, I would’ve assumed you’d realize that other things factor into sports, such as emotion,

I’ll never understand the “this would never happen in X sport!” argument. No shit, Sherlock... that’s why the NHL is the NHL and everything else is not. Guys get hurt way more often during the normal run of play, so putting the emphasis on fighting as part of hockey as being some gigantic detriment to our societal

Penalty minutes and shots most definitely affect the outcome of the game. Do you think flags in the NFL have an effect on potential scoring, via field position? Do you think how many times a guy gets fouled and goes to the line has an affect on the NBA? These stats are kept across sports, as they’re part of sports.

What about the part where Harper & Boras gave no indication for 2+ months about how they felt about the initial offer? Negotiations work when both parties are actively involved, and it sounds like Harper’s team wanted no part of that. Regardless of the proposed terms (which were indeed interesting), at some point the

City Slickers was definitely my favorite Crystal Palance matchup.

Lunchlady Doris, ya got any grease?

This. Everything Tom Wilson does on the ice re-ignites the conversation about how much of a goon he is, how he doesn’t belong on the ice, blah blah blah. 90% of NHLers would stand up for a teammate that got blindsided, and 99% of the time it’s recognized as part of the game. Spare me the hypocritical nonsense.

Ryan Reaves tried to fight someone after the scrum had already been broken up? SHOCKING.

Jack Evans is a piece of shit who consistently does whatever he wants (google “Jack Evans parking” for a sneak preview), and he keeps getting re-elected because nobody worth anything has run against him. He did get crushed both times he ran for mayor, though, which is pretty sweet.

I know we’re in the middle of a contentious election today, but goddamn there are some bitter fucking people on the internet.

Not sure the point of this post, besides announcing that you (really) don’t like contemporary residential architecture.