I disagree. Ass is not fab; has a case of pancake booty.
I disagree. Ass is not fab; has a case of pancake booty.
You're missing checks and balances. Legislature makes the laws, president has the power to veto them (a check), and the courts have the right to interpet them (a check). If the legislature wants to make something unconstitutional legal, then they have the authority to add it (a balance) but it will take a lot of them,…
This is a new way racists and homophobes feel they can distance themselves from those labels. By not using certain words, they feel they have some sort douche shield that will protect them. That way when you call them out on their bullshit, they can always fall back on 'show me where I said "discrimination is good". I…
LOL, bullshit. Is the Supreme Court weighing in on cousin marriages? Have there been rallies and protests supporting or condemning cousin marriages? Have there been a rash of states recently deciding to legislate cousin marriages either for or against? If there is no national news about cousin marriages, then why…
Yes, this will pass overwhelmingly. She is a state rep in Oklahoma and she isn't the only one that feels this way. You know why? Because the people of Oklahoma vote them in; the people of Oklahoma are shit.
Straight white guys who want to say stupid shit or racist shit or homophobic shit pretend to be X marginalized group. They do this because they think it gives their stupid shit more "weight" and that people will magically agree with their stupid shit.
You majored in crazy and have a Ph.D in dumbfuckery.
Twat Mist is my favorite Frebeeze scent.
Just to contrast with any other person who is not famous, when you don't finish your community service, you go to jail. And you would have certainly gone to jail after testing positive for illegal drugs.
How did Chikungunya stop her from completion of her sentence before she got sick?
Whodaresme, gives Lohan the benefit of the doubt because she is white. The sickness is just a rationalization.
No, it doesn't come down to whether she consented. It comes down to whether the guards had the authority to detain someone and make them prove they were menstruating.
No, it doesn't come down to whether she consented. It comes down to whether the guards had the authority to detain someone and make them prove they were menstruating.
That's because Black (and Brown) Lives Do Not Matter to white people. I doubt that the producers of the series even care about what is going on in Cambodia with those workers. The workers are just a backdrop for them to plop their white girls on to. This is Paris Hilton's "The Simple Life" with a twist.
So, in this case, Brown Lives Do Not Matter.
The toy was ok, but the cartoon WAS THE SHIT!
LL Cool J already has a song called "Doin' It" and it's a fucking classic. Damn, you can't even come up original titles?
You're the one making it about race. Plus, being a good college player doesn't always translate to the NBA, or are you living in an alternate universe where Christian Latenner's Timberwolves went on the challenge Micheal Jordan's Bulls in the Finals
Lol, the Beast is eating itself. Oh, is it not anyone's business if you cheat on your husband? Because it is personal? Well, so is contraception, but they are fine to poke their noses in that.
I had a similar experience when I was college. I volunteered to be on the women's practice team. What this meant is that me and some other guys would do a light scrimmage against the women's team and run whatever defense/offense that their upcoming opponent would run. Our goal had a block on it, so none of our baskets…