
“Silly black people with your little problems, like dying at hands of terrorist state actors is nothing. These Syrians though, their lives actually matter.” — MIA

That picture is scary.

Why she is only showing exploding land?#Alllandmatters

Did you forget first several sentences of your comment, where you made it clear that you DID give a shit and said they act like children? That doesn’t just magically get wiped away, ya know?

ADR is the sound recording they do after a movie for dialog. Sometimes the mics on set don’t pick up everything, so they usually have to go back in and re-record dialog. Sometimes, if the movie is incoherent, they will ADR lines that make the plot more understandable.

How do people feel about the dead cop in Dallas who was a white supremacist?

You can’t expect people to be sympathetic to someone who has spent her career silencing and helping silence other victims of sexual assault and harassment. The question I have is why didn’t she take the advice that she gave so many other women and just see it as a “compliment.”

He was actually holding back another player from taking a swing, but you have your narrative that you need to believe in. In real life, people are not story archetypes.

He’ll just get off like the rest of them. I doubt fear of repercussions are going through a cop’s mind at all because they don’t face any.

He will not because Bernie is not a team player. In those 30+ years as a Senator, he didn’t campaign for anyone else, and he’s not going to start now.

What is entitled about wanting to your side of the story?

Yes. Who gives a fuck what the people at the scene saw or said. What is really important is what anonymous comments say about it after skimming a headline and story that had no facts included at all.

Players are not obligated to go around referees at all. They are considered a part of the playing field. If they don’t move out of the way, it is the ref’s fault.

Don’t tell me. Tell the refs who were also on the field. They don’t think it was a big deal and they were there.

No, just someone who actually plays sports chiming in on this story.

Wrong. The snap was already made and the defensive backs were going to where the ball carrier was. You would have a point if the ball carrier was on the other side of the field and this ref was hit. But the carrier was running in the general direction as the ref was standing and the ref didn’t get the fuck out of the

If he’s not paying attention enough to move out of the play, then yes. Technically, a referee is part of the field of play. Players do not have to make special routes around referees. It is incumbent on the refs to get out of the way.

The other player slipped and fell. And technically, the referees are a part of the field. It’s encumbant upon them to move out of the way of the play.

You didn’t see the whole video. Or any of the events that lead up to the video. The ref was clearly in the way of the play and didn’t move in time.

That's the privilege of being a white guy. You can be crazy as all hell, but other white guys (i.e., the police) will look the other way.