Cherith Cutestory

I looked at those mugshots for too long, and am now hopelessly addicted to meth.

“As I told Mr. McCray, if I were faced with similar circumstances, I would have probably done the same thing,” the Sheriff said in a statement. “I have apologized to Mr. McCray, and I appreciate his patience as I have worked through these matters.”

I just can’t believe she won’t shut up. SHUT UP, JO.

All she had to say was “I’m sorry, I generally recognize the people in this complex, but since you’re new I haven’t had the chance to make your acquaintance. Hi. My name’s Karen!”

Well they bankrupted their own company for refusing to take down a revenge porn video, so use your imagination. 

Racist AND stupid. She could have covered her dumb racist ass by saying, I’m sorry ma’am, we have to check everyone we haven’t personally met and know is a resident and I have not seen you before (pretending that she just happened to know all the white folks she was letting in). 

I feel like the fact that she’s Peter’s aunt who takes him in after his parents die is even more important/realistic today.

She’s dating! she has what seems to be a healthy social life and well rounded. I mean everybody comments on how hot Pete’s aunt is, and it looks like Happy and her are a thing moving forward.


Yaaaaas. To all of this. Like what fuckery is this?

I loved her in the Wrestler, she really made a lot out of that character.

I can assure you can not know where this bigot-troll is coming from.

Shame, its a union paper w/ some excellent columnists like Tony Norman. The owners and editors (they also own the Toledo Blade) are straight up Steven Miller psychopaths.

I’m starting to think this paper isn’t particularly interested in doing a good job.

Well, I guess they removed the “bias”, alright.


Right, because NASCAR fans are the REAL victims of the protests:

A pierogi restaurant owner in Columbus, Ohio was forced to shut down completely because Grubhub charged him a fee of 40% per order to be part of its “visibility” program; the restaurant owner had thought Grubhub would be the party paying for the visibility.

I’m really confused about her mentioning OCD and transgender people, not really sure what they have to do with each other. Either way she’s an embarrassment to the OCD community then.

The toilet obsession baffles me because as you point out, there’s nothing to prevent a determined person going into the ‘wrong’ one anyway. And second, what about unisex bathrooms? Like the kind that everyone has in their HOUSE? Which is coincidentally also where the person most likely to sexually assualt you will be?

I actually have the type of OCD where you obsess over your gender identity and I’m absolutely furious she tried to weaponize it. I never desired to be male as a child or a teenager. As I began to hit puberty I slowly became aware that I wasn’t performing femininity the way my sisters and friends were and this made me