Cherith Cutestory

Why do transphobic people always seem to think being transitioning is some breezy walk in the park people just do on a whim?

I love when people try to defend segregating bathrooms for the purpose of no one having sex in them. Like, as if only heterosexual people have sex.

Oh my GOODNESS yes, Terry Pratchett’s books are great for everyone but the Tiffany Aching ones are just perfect for people who might suddenly find a Harry Potter-shaped hole in their kids’ upbringing.

Having talked to people like her she’s worried about the CHIIIIIIILDREN! Wont someone think of the children!? What if they transition and regreeeeeeet it!? (despite the astronomically small number who do vs the many people who kill themselves because they can’t transition).

She didn’t need to do any of this. She could have just kept quiet in whatever Scottish castle she lives in surrounded by her billions. For the past few years she seems to have transformed into a literary kooky aunt sharing critical information about the Harry Potter world that borders on bad fan fiction that like, I

Just a reminder that this Champion of the Women and Lesbians didn’t include a single lesbian in her hugely famous book series, and the only gay character was left in the subtext. Also, the only female main character was her self-insert.

Littman’s research was criticized in large part because her methodology was hugely flawed and riddled with her own bias.

I’m still confused by the Natalie Portman link.

I know JK’s been out there being a TERF for a while, but I don’t get why this particular article set her off. If an article was about the future of urinals and someone referred to “people who pee standing up” would that erase men? (Ya, some men don’t pee standing up. And some women don’t menstruate) And really, in

It still doesn’t shut them up, at that point they stick their TERF fingers in their TERF ears like children and start blocking out any logical debate or discussion.

Thank god cops weren’t interested and didn’t take it serious.. for once.  

If you haven’t learned by now, saying “I don’t have a racist bone in my body” is probably the most racist response imaginable.  Just stop...

And yet The Golden Girls remains progressive even by current standards. 

The Queen doesn’t govern and won’t get a say in this

Hear me out, Clueless does pretty good, not great or perfect for nowadays, but not too much cringing really. Although that guy clearly sexually assaulted Cher, but maybe it’s realistic. She beats him back and gets abandoned for it, then mugged at gun point and he faces zero consequences. 

This is why their apologies ring hollow. They don’t know why they’re apologizing. In their minds, they’re thinking “we don’t hate black people, we weren’t trying to get her in trouble because she’s black!” instead of realizing that they 1) associated a black woman with stealing and 2) saw a picture of a black woman on

Multiple Black people: this person was racist

She saved her venom for people she thought she could intimidate, as bullies have done forever. She picked out people who are “vulnerable”and traditionally not afforded respect-POC, trans, fat, gay-and disrespected them in the most obvious ways possible.

The part about Reese Witherspoon conveniently leaves out the rest of that Tweet, where she links to the MN Freedom Fund, Color of Change, and Campaign Zero.

Starting to think Jezebel’s political stance is“don’t vote, just boo”.