Cherith Cutestory

I’m so sorry. I replied to you previously about your friend (my dad lived with Primary Progressive MS for close to 30 years before dying of lung cancer). It’s such a bitch of a disease, and affects everyone in different ways. Please know that it’s ok to feel good for your friend for no longer having to deal with it

He will continue to get away with this nonsense because a large portion of his base views California as the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and believe it should all just go up in flames or fall into the Pacific. You can be sure he wouldn’t say something like this about a southern or midwestern state after a hurricane

Can I just say how much I love Schitts’s Creek? This last season has been giving me life. I cannot wait until December 19th for their first holiday special. 

to be fair she probably stole it from another cookbook writer! 

I was just at Sweetgreen where they are selling a “designer squash” a little larger than a grapefruit for $5. This has peak white people written all over it.


You could hear the “WHOOSH”! I think I’m still hearing the sonic boom, over here in California, as the air closes back over his head again.

Which might be why he moved from Chicago to Vermont after college.

Stephen Crockett wrote a bullshit article on The Root when Hillary Clinton dared to correct an interviewer about the difference between Cory Booker and Eric Holder with a joke. And before you start, I love The Root and he got his ass handed to him in the comments. Somehow they didn't go and grey the whole commentariat

He’s leaving the door open for another presidential primary loss and subsequent book tour.

Probably something like using the resources of the DNC to mount a campaign for POTUS despite NOT being a Democrat; whining and bitching when he wasn’t welcomed as the great white male savior then taking his ball and going home when he didn’t get his way.

Ultimately though, it isn’t about bringing them around as much as it is establishing boundaries that aren’t worth crossing. Without trying to infantilize the GOP base, I’d point at teenagers as another example of this type of contrarian thinking. If telling a teenager something is terrible, short sighted, or downright

Why should I be “civil” to people who literally think I am less of a man because of the color of my skin?  White supremacy will scream about civility while calling us niggers and we're supposed to be nice when we tell them theyre assholes?

Patronizing racists by pandering to their need to believe they are not racists doesn’t make them less racist, either. In the end, calling racists by their name is not an action intended to make them less racist. It’s an action intended to, in whatever small way we can, legitimize the experience of the victims of

Bernie only “became Democratic” when it was expedient for him to do so and walked it back when it wasn’t.

Oh, c’mon. If Chuck Schumer had said this, everyone would be demanding his head. 

Conservatives do not have a monopoly on racism or defense of racism.

Stop saying he’s a fucking standard bearer for the Democratic party. The man is a fucking INDEPENDENT. I don’t want anything to do with his grifter ass.

I agree. I can’t stand him. I am baffled at his popularity. Except he has his own private PR firm in the Boston Globe.

MA is falling for the classic GOP scam.