Cherith Cutestory

I just got through voting for Beto here in texas and it was an embarrassment how they had it set up compared to previous years (especially 08 and 12). Got in line at 5:40pm and didn’t get to vote until 8:30pm because they had 3 people working so they would have maybe 3 or 4 people voting at a time and 6 empty

Can’t wait to read their next rambling Slack chat. Nothing funnier than not comedians making jokes while sounding like wonks talking shop at an Applebees happy hour. 

I know you guys like to dog on Nate Silver, but 538 was the only site that acknowledged Trump had a plausible chance of winning.

Eh, I mean as much as people shit on Silver for 2016, he was pretty spot on. Trump was around a 1/3 chance in winning, just meant the right (read: wrong) votes had to fall in the right places and that’s exactly what happened.

I always liked Ariana Grande (and when I say “always,” I mean, like, for the better part of the last decade), but I am liking her more every day. It was always just a matter of time before people saw past her exterior and realized how great she is.

Pipe down. Remini’s show has been relevant television for quite a while. This isn’t a Cardi B versus Nicki Manaj Twitter spat.

Will Smith not a Scientologist?
They opened a school that taught Scientology to children (without parents full consent). Child abuse in my opinion. These people are not worthy of our admiration.

At the same time, if they end up in the right place I don’t really care about their motives. 


So just quickly for us laypersons, what happens if USAG is revoked/decertified? Does the USOC form a new organization from scratch?

I actually wrote a response immediately when he did it.

Am I being a bush-league Robin Hood or a total wet blanket when I rally against people buying shit that they don’t want just to charge more money from the person who really does want it?  I have a similar take on sporting event/concert tickets. 

I wonder if deep down they’re like “maybe he did do it, but those women were bad women, and he doesn’t deserve to be in prison living the life of a former cop and a convicted sex offender” but they know that’s unacceptable to say.

There’s space in there for nuance, though. There’s sending him commissary money and writing him letters on one end and crying to Michelle Malkin about how those women are all liars on the other.

IKR? It’s forgetting all the women he raped when he was a big deal football star. /s

I visited one of his family’s Facebook support pages a few weeks ago out of morbid curiosity and they are still at it, it’s a total shit show. The current story is that the town government turned against and framed Holtzclaw to appease the people who were going to “turn the city into another Ferguson”. A whole family

I’m going to show how old I am: Doesn’t he look like a Dick Tracy villain?

Yes and no. Yes, equal enforcement of the law. No, no one should be arrested or spend a night in jail for splashing some fucking milk on someone.  Fucking mail her a citation for disorderly conduct and be done with it. 

You saw that shit too, huh? 

She could always transfer to a college somewheres in Florida to finish her degree, then work for a news blog, and use the fact that she went to a HBCU as a way to lend herself credibility when she inevitably writes a bad take on what a black, former president should do with his free time.