McUncool (Joshua D.)

Oh, and Katie, when the cops came to the scene of the murder of that 13-year-old boy, they held his mother for questioning for two hours while they tore apart her house looking for this monster's "stolen property" (finding nothing, by the way) before arresting her other son on a fucking TRUANCY WARRANT while his

Will you marry me? Or at least invite me to your wedding?

I feel like asking questions like "are tampons anti-feminist?" is exactly what actual anti-feminists think feminists do all the time. Not that the dialogue should be altered to be acceptable to those cretins, but still. As a dude that's never had to put in a tampon (I've had to help get one out, but that's not the

The same principle that would lead one to frown on a man parading around in public displaying his surprise midday No Reason Boner

Meh, as a 30-year-old dude, I'm fine with it. I do appreciate a decent trim and try to do the same with my business, but it's not a requirement.

Cheap beer of choice.

Hey, me too! I lost 150 pounds over the last year, so yay health and weird body!

I will give it to the UO athletic department. They kissed ass like pros, and as much as it pained me to see Chip leave, I appreciate that he fell on the sword without complaint.

I will give it to the UO athletic department. They kissed ass like pros, and as much as it pained me to see Chip leave, I appreciate that he fell on the sword without complaint.

I'm an Oregon fan, so obviously happy, but yeah. Our wrists must be sore from that one.


You're right. There really are only two options for those that CAN'T DANCE: being alone or being an emotionally manipulative rapey-type person.

The shades? That's got to be it.

My pies suck too! Let's make awful pie together!

That's because they're gross. They're gross people.

To be fair, I'm only a few hundred XP away from Girlfriend Level 2. That entitles me to pay for drinks, but I'm waiting for Level 5. That's when I get pies baked for me.

Ugh, "pick-up" (I really hate that that's become a noun, by the way) is just...icky? I hate the idea of human interaction being so fucking transactional. Maybe try being an interesting human person instead of trying to hit the right buttons for CHEAT CODE FOR VAGINA.


All the more impressive when you remember she's coaching basketball on the side: