McUncool (Joshua D.)

Me while reading the comments, hoping for some well-stated takedowns of this rape-apologist clown but getting more rape apologia for my trouble:

Chevy Chase is the fucking worst. Just a piece of shit human. Fuck him.

I like this Harmon fellow. Maybe I should take a gander at this Community racket that all the kids are talking about.

That gif is jarring. I like this one better.

Honestly, I have no problem sharing the duties of both washing dishes AND raising offspring; can I also have a black blazer? I'm really in need of a decent jacket.

You should write a book, Fry. People need to know about the CAN EAT MORE

Quit bullying the menfolk with your sexy, lady SEALs.

Congratulations, GOP. You took Arrested Development quotes and made them legitimately unfunny.

Why did the woman get breast cancer?


I hear you. I'm less fat than I used to be (back when I was in actual danger of dying in my sleep), but I've still got a tummy with some give to it. But I think I'm pretty great, and you are too!

It's definitely distasteful, but people with mental health problems (again, I'm not saying that I know if she does or she doesn't; that's just the vibe I have) do distasteful things, usually more frequently. And even if she is just a spoiled brat entirely at fault for her own downfall, I still don't understand the

I don't know her exact situation, but I know that I've dealt with my share of mental health issues, and I was (and still am, occasionally) a right asshole a lot of the time. Add in her fucked-up upbringing, constant access to social media and ridiculous media harassment, and yeah, I probably would have had a pretty

Yeah, I just don't feel comfortable watching someone's life and psyche completely fall apart, much less making light of it.

I got a paper cut this morning and I'm still complaining to people.

Also this - my first gif!

I love you both.

So if I want a broad to make me a sandwich...grilled cheese is out? Fuck, misogyny is hard. So many rules!

At least you have an honest screen name.

In my experience, I have never seen a "man" make a sexist generalization about women with anything that could be described as skill. Obviously, I've not met every man in the world and I am sure there are men out there that can put in a great dig on how WOMEN CAN'T DO MEN STUFF AMIRITE (hint: there actually aren't).