McUncool (Joshua D.)

Men and grilling go together like men and penises, and how would you even begin to marinade a steak without the almighty dong?

This passing the family crest thing is such bullshit. When I have little McUncools, I hope that my worldview is a better legacy to pass on than my (admittedly fun) last name.

Oh, it's easy to get sucked in...just like caffeine pills.


That's wonderful! Was there cheesecake?!

Wait, people actually buy porn?

There must be a gif for this...looking...looking...looking...

You're awesome and I apparently communicate in all gifs.

How would a nine-year-old with adult human parents have watched The Golden Girls? It's a mystery!

We should just spend every day together; you and me and gifs.

22-year-old me was an abhorrent human. 30-year-old me is mostly just square. I can deal with that.

I don't know; I'm a male Jezzie (Mezzie?) and I find myself having a maturity gap when I try to date women more than, say, four years younger (I'm 30.) I don't know if it's a maturity thing - I don't know that I'd consider myself more mature than other guys - or if it's hard for me to relate to someone that doesn't

The way I look at it, I don't argue with the trolls and the MRAs to win them over. I argue with them because there may be someone on here, not commenting but reading, not sure about this whole feminism thing, much less thinking about intersectionality, but just observing the back-and-forth. That's why I don't like to

I would say that in a way, my former conservative grossness was a result of my upbringing, but not in the way of a lot of people. My parents never taught me to be a homophobe or to hate anyone or to be against social justice. But they never taught me about privilege, or patriarchy, or anything else like that. And I

When one's entire worldview revolves around insecurity and entitlement, one is never content to shit in one's own sandbox.

avoiceformen is the worst. And superfluous, since men already have the media, politicians, the police, and basically everything else to be their voice.