McUncool (Joshua D.)

I'm in the same situation. I'm with someone that I truly care about and there's nothing "wrong" with our relationship, but we have very little in common. I've changed physically and mentally (mostly for good) since we met and while we had similar interests when we met, now my interests are different. I want to be

My play is an exploration of this culture that is so pervasive and dominant in America, yet so understudied and misunderstood.

I eat meat literally every day of my life. That being said, not only is tofu delicious if made correctly, but you calling people ignorant is a joke.

OTL has always been that last bastion, which is what makes this sad. Bob Ley is strongly conservative, but you'd never know it by watching his work. Consummate professional.

I find that my being grossed out by periods and associated things went down in directly inverse proportion to my conversion from Republican MRA asshole to raging lefty feminist. Go figure.

REQUIRED: Holy water dispenser.

You beat me to it. I'm so unoriginal.


This is the commercial equivalent of every person that says it's OK to make racist jokes because he has a black friend that he makes racist jokes with.

Separation of powers is for losers anyway, right guys?

Samoas are made with dark chocolate, Caramel deLites are made with milk chocolate. I rest my case.

Normally I'd say that it's ridiculous to make assumptions about an entire group of people from one bad experience.

So I'm not wrong in reading this and thinking to myself, "What the fuck?" Because as a loyal straight cis male Jezebel reader, it just seems woefully out of place.

You crazy son of a bitch.

Mint needs to be kept separate from all other foods. People that like Thin Mints are like people that brush their teeth before breakfast. You're RUINING your breakfast!

Thin Mints can piss off.

I don't know, it seems pretty straightforward and not difficult to understand. I'm a straight man, but I see Aaron Eckhart and I think, "Yeah, I get it."

All I know is that someone had better pay Dan Stevens some rent. There's a damsel tied to some railroad tracks somewhere.

Mitt Romney was 65 and all the talk was about how youthful and fresh he looked. Hillary Clinton testified about four murdered Americans before Congress and the most important thing the media could find to talk about was how old she was looking.

Sorry Michael Pollan, but cooking is fucking awesome, not a moral obligation. But I don't even have any kids and between work, finding time to exercise and having an actual life, it's not possible to cook every night. So even though I love cooking and wish I had the time to do it every day, I can't. Or rather, I