Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

Yeah this is some Virgin Mary shit ...

An 80-year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. “I’ve never been better!” he boasted. “I’ve got an eighteen year old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?”

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.


Could this BE any more intriguing????

The problem is that Congress passes renewals to the Renewable PTCs, not the President. Yes, it sucks that they have often been delayed:

You’ve just reported that these are not ‘potential crashes’ and then you say:

Just like promising health care premiums would fall by $2,500.

Reporter: “Lots of Raiders fans will be happy you’re staying.”
Davis: “Where?”
Reporter: “In Oakland”
Davis: “Are we?”
Reporter: “Yes, the vote came in and the Rams and the Chargers plan was approved.”
Davis: “What plan?”
Reporter: “For....the stadium....In LA.”
Davis: “I like turtles.”

I stopped caring about the lack of journalistic integrity on gizmodo a looong time ago.

“Google explains that disengagments aren’t mistakes or examples of avoided accidents but simply times that the software could learn something new..”

“Now I pulled you over because you were doing 25 in a 40 and your car looks stupid as fuck. Normally I’d let either one of those slide, but together I have to pull you over. So do us all a favor and do 5 over the limit like everyone else and get a body kit on this thing or something. Never thought I’d see the day when

Who were you working for? I was designing collector sub switchgear for a couple of Spanish companies back then - the recession hit em hard.

False dilemma. Supporting wind energy != opposing nuclear. I live in an area where if the wind’s not blowing, we feel like something’s wrong. Looking out my window right now, I can see the red lights of the windmills puncuated by the steady turning of their blades. Wind energy makes sense in my little corner of North

Ethanol is beyond stupid.

I have time for RTS games but I poop my self a lot would this game be right for me?

It’s like Dr. Dre said in “California Love” “Inglewood! Inglewood always up to the latest cutting edge in economic investment and urban revitalization!”

I’m all for anything that ends up looking like this

Also, that’s a Schwinn Stingray.

I got huffy when I was 6. Sorta like this one, except mine had more Six Million Dollar Man stickers on it....