Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

That’s one of the most perfect gifs I’ve ever seen, just the right speed.

I (and every other military flight student) bet my life on this engine every day!

I just took one of these apart for class. It’s amazing how simple and complex they are at the same time. The design is wonderful, amazing power for the size and turbine count.

The amount of engineering that goes into each engine is incredible. Each blade on the turbine disk is harmonically balanced to ensure that the

We eagerly await those voters’ explanations.

Nobody should be worried; he’s apparently not very good at dishing out payback.

Not to be outdone, Romeo Tweeted a response to Smith’s gun pic:

Fun fact: my brother served overseas in the air force and the real ones are the “shitty ribbon versions” lol


They don’t know any better. It’s like ugly dogs. Be kind to them anyway, for someday you may need your assistance when you need help choosing a printer and it’s the Prius people who wrote 900-word Amazon reviews because they have nothing better to do.

I don't see the problem, here. Real simply fixed the glitch.

Wasn’t North Vegas a place Hunter Thompson referred to as the kind of place you go to score smack when you don’t have any connections?


when it came time to pay the bill, he asked to have it comped because he didn’t bring cash and also didn’t want to put it on his card.

Cleveland media reporting that there is a snapchat video that will be released. Went through all of that to conceal his identity then sent a snapchat video in disguise. Will Burge says its “like a bad snl video”. Stay tuned

You see, the joke here was that the Texans started 3-5 (actually 2-5) and despite starting 4 QBs AND losing Arian Foster, still won the AFC South. And with a roster not billed as Super Bowl caliber before September rolled around.

She isn’t fit to clean Kelly Johnson’s toilet.

It totally works in Venezuela!

“Ethnocentric Americanism at its finest” conveniently ignores the fact that the series, and therefore characters, were entirely designed by the Japanese. I know it’s easy to see offensive stereotyping and jump to American ignorance, but at least give it a cursory fact check. This myth has been floating around the game

You mean I can't just build one in my bedroom with some camera strobes and an alarm clock?