Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

It’s breathtaking to see such a rare occurrence as this. A working animated GIF hosted on Kinja and viewable on a mobile device is something special indeed.

Yes, but the immunizations for Pataki Fever that were issued in the 1990s kept that in check.

Pink Floyd.

That’s two Suck It! Shout outs in one article.

Hello fellow OTC participant/victim.

He delivered, but forgot the damn spicy peppers, and those are my favorite part.

GM is dumping half a billion dollars into a company that based itself on the concept of offering mustache rides. Let that sink in for a bit.

It was. I was geeked about my 386 with the math co-processor and a sweet Turtle Beach when it came out. It would rock the hell out of a Future Crew demo.

More like 1 in 5. The gif money went to send Biddle on the trail or something.

I’m pretty sure the fact that he’s not going to be with Cleveland come the end of the year has already been discussed with him and both sides are treating it as amicable. He’s the equivalent of an executive that is “retiring” at the end of the year but still has an office until the last day.

A hot dog is not a sandwich. Go.

He posts as GeorgeJefferson or something like that on the main page all day long.

You tell’em, chief.

And nary a Wilhelm Scream to be found. They really missed that opportunity there.

I Loved him on Mythbusters.

Thanks for confirming the stereotype of the ignorant elitist northerner. See how easy this game is?

+1 Battle Creek

How drunk could he possibly have been on the first play of the game?

Shameless Stanford shithead Scott Sellers spontaneously spams sideline speech.