Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

My apologies on the writing - try using Kinja on an iPhone and tell me that it’s worth cleaning up your thoughts when you can’t edit a sentence without rewriting the whole thing while having half of your text covered by a janky interface. Then have a couple of beers.

“Maybe it will take a F-22 pilot loitering at close to 60,000 feet above central Syria to suddenly turn off their “low-probability of intercept” radar mode and actively paint a Flanker with radar from over a hundred miles away.”

And wrapping that up in such a statement while specifically mentioning the impact it had on the reporter in question is the epitome of placing the victim of his actions on a lower tier. It’s all about how it affects him - and all that other stuff that can’t be named lest it be attributed to another human being. That’s

I thought the “I was just stepping back, I didn’t realize I was on her face.” defense would be a sure win here. It's NFL approved and everything.

“I was just doing my job.” is hardly an excuse for behaving in a reprehensible manner.

By not mentioning the consideration of impact on those being “interviewed" as part of the equation, you made your position on the issue clear enough.

The garbage man isn't exploiting my tragic loss on one of the most important days of the year to make money, so, no.

Jaws really was the best. Aside from Oddjob, of course.

I did indeed. It was back during the day trading frenzy, and I managed to make $15,000 in one day out of sheer luck. Went out the next day and bought a $35,000 car. I was taking home $34,600 a year at the time. I also won $1000 from etrade that month for turning a fake $50,000 into a fake $7,000,000 in 30 days. The

Yes, the public need to know what little Johnny who was killed two days before Christmas was going to get under the tree clearly outweighs a family’s need to privately grieve in their own home on Christmas Day. He should have gotten his ass kicked over that.

After all, how the experience affected Barry is the only thing to be considered in that decision.

However you want to spin it man. If you are interrupting a grieving family at their home on Christmas Day to ask questions about their dead children, you are an asshole.

I bought a brand new car that was exactly 100% of my annual salary straight out of college. So, 100%.

This is the promised flexibility. Putin is going to control all energy import corridors to Europe soon enough, and create unrest in the continent by flooding it with refugees that refuse to assimilate into the culture of the countries where they land.

You tell ‘em, Phil. You've been there two years, it's your time.

Funny. After seeing his wardrobe at his last presser, I assumed Newton would buy just about anything.

They were on the short wave, reading a random string of numbers.

Chicken hates the metric system. It was spiteful.

Chicken hates the metric system. It was spiteful.