Mad Cow Tipper Gore Vidal Sassoon

I'm cool with it if they toss a stylized bowl cut at the red zones on there as well.

This qualifies as well. The definition is broad.

Forget it Kevin, it's Kinjatown.

These guys obviously went to school with the team that made the Acura Vigor ad with the panty-sniffing chauffeur.

These guys obviously went to school with the team that made the Acura Vigor ad with the panty-sniffing chauffeur.

Per Kinja rules, all deals last until someone becomes an approved commenter on

Per Kinja rules, all deals last until someone becomes an approved commenter on

I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen on an involuntary and temporary basis. If they want back in, they have to provide income or jobs for those they fucked over with this stunt.

Fuck that. Seat can go back? It goes back. Stop trying to make reclining a sin. I’ll check back there to make sure you aren’t 6’7” or disarming a bomb, but if those don’t apply I’m taking my 7 degrees of lean.

I would have eaten a shitload of those crab cakes. How was the booze selection?

He likes wedges. They fit his take on international relations.

In Texas, your best friend from April until October is your cool shirt and an extra large cooler of ice water. I swear I'm going to figure out how to mount one on my lawnmower.


Will be interesting to see if this rises to the point of punitively blocking VW from selling in the U.S.

They were just fined a pile of money that will seem like peanuts compared to what VW is facing. I wouldn’t be surprised to see VW prohibited from selling in the U.S. if this is as deliberate, widespread, and harmful as is being reported.

That game is why I didn’t go to grad school.I have no regrets.

Dennis Miller. I know, I try to block it out as well.

Ghostery will do it. There's probably a setting to allow it, but I'm too lazy to find it, plus I'm using their proxy server to block everything on my wifi connection, and it seems to be an all or nothing option.