
I will continue to root for the Night King to wipe out everyone in Westeros. Just about every character is annoying as all hell now.

Kinda like the people that worked for Jobs. It was an absolute pain in the ass to work for him but you created amazing things.

There really does need to be a station called Earth Radio.

No cat food and a toe knife out the window! What am I doing, putting on airs for company?

Hopefully they don't give us more Russ Hanneman to replace him. He's just unpleasant.

He's the best pure comedy on the show based on his lines and doucheness. I think it really hurts.

Feel the complete opposite way. I find Oleg to be the most interesting character on the show right now and am engrossed in his scenes. His end game seems much more immediate than the storylines state side.

Yes! An ace thief who bought wolves and put them around his home? A young assistant AG who became mayor, drunk with power steps away only to come back years later? The characters are tremendous.

Am I the only one that didn't think this was one of the greatest podcast ever? Every single piece I've seen praises it outright. I thought it was good not great and wish there was actually a central mystery to the story rather than just a character study.

If there was ever a show that needs to brought back by Netflix this is it. Every episode they did was funny, sharp and smart and the comedic timing between the actors was terrific.

Would it be crazy if the Centre was developing Henry behind Philip and Elizabeth's back? He's hardly around and is always talking on the phone. I know they are almost playing it up like a joke right now on the show but what if they are recruiting him with a woman like they did Jared?

There actually isn't a time period in Napoleon Dynamite. It is set in the 2004 school year but uses cultural references from the 80s and 90s. That really helps the movie stand the test of time.

And also, "Not great Bob" is one of the greatest line readings ever.

Pancakes; Divorce; Pancakes will always be funny. Always.

So glad the best show on TV is back. Can't believe there are still 23 episodes left in the series. Can't wait to see how the story plays out.

I agree completely. Frank has been a disgusting slob from day one but now he changes? If Dennis was acting this way he would totally be scamming the crew not building up to a reveal that he's sad.

Thought this was the worst episode of the season. Laughs were few and far between and we've seen Charlie write an entire musical but now he can't rhyme? We know he can't read but it seems like the only thing he can do is rhyme.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt does great work in melancholy comedies like 500 Days of Summer and 50/50. Walks the fine line of being overly cute very well.

Yep, the place was called O'Nutters. Pretty funny skit.

I love how casually Dennis and Dee partake in the cocaine. Almost like they were just having a beer. A solid B/B+. This season is a great return to form after two uneven seasons. And next week's episode sounds even better: