It only takes a minute for toddlers to drown in under 2” of ketchup. Just saying.
It only takes a minute for toddlers to drown in under 2” of ketchup. Just saying.
Exactly. It was really inappropriate for Chris Harrison to read those tweets. Kaitlynn maybe should have, because it was good to bring them to light, but not him. And, why did they hide the tweeters handle? That should have been exposed. Twitter is a public forum.
True Confession: I fell asleep soon after the sexual harrassment scene. Woke to see Rick Springfield’s bloody face, wondered briefly if Jesse finally got wind of Rick’s infatuation with his girl, went back to sleep.
Exactly! My very first thought.
Yeah, I get all that. I watched the episode. The episode provided explanations, but that doesn’t mean the explanations make any sense either.
Exactly! And, if this were just an episode of CSI or whatever, who would care? But that first season set a high bar for him.
My frustration with the show is that they could have kept all those points (the fall guy, higher ups calling the shots bc they are puppets, main villian is the puppet master, 3 main characters get totally fucked over) but made it seamless with just a little bit more planning. Then at the end of the season we’d get…
My point about the random criminal is that 1 single anonymous tip would not merit a full blown task force response. Yeah, Ani justifies full mobilization by saying “better safe than sorry” but they skipped like 12 steps of the investigative process. Like, I dunno, maybe checking out the location surreptiously before…
I’m so over the “cop with an addiction” trope. It’s soooo overdone, and just does not flesh out a character adequately. Colin Farrell’s alcoholism is much less interesting than his struggle wih his relationship towards his son who may be the product of a rape that haunts Farrell’s character. That concept is…
I bet he could pull off sinister really well IF he incorporated funniness into the serious role.... But he doesn’t. I’m thinking like an unhinged Joker type bad guy.
“Yeah, I sold you the business now give me more money!”
This show has a bad case of “what the shit balls just happened?”... Why does Ani show up at task force when she’s under admin review? Why are the cops shooting AT the suspect who is BEHIND the bus full of passengers? Who is this rando criminal they’ve literally had 1 tip off on that they are now sending in the full…
I remember being 3 and playing house with the boy next door who always insisted on being the wife. I don’t see how this would be any different then that except Ruby Rose knew she could save up her pennies to accomplish this goal. Relatedly, now as a grownup I wonder if that neighbor boy has actually transitioned.
I hope this is the summer of Groot for many reasons but mostly because I don’t understand summer of Root.
I had the most infuriating conversation with a friend who argued that the quantity of women and that all their stories were the same was what made him disinclined to believe them. Too many women claimed rape for it to be true, was his point! I was teed off.
I think that’s it! But kind of ironic considering his habit of sexual violence against his characters.
You know how the writer screws up writing women? By thinking too much about writing “women”. There’s a quote that’s escaping me now about writing a female character is just a matter of writing a person.
But what glass are his knees pressed against?
Wow. That is so touching.
I’m experiencing sympathy crotch pain. Girl, let your business breath!!