
I think she's very brave and amazing for using her celebrity to inform women about these health issues. Many women feel so much shame at having these operations - she's owning it, she's up front about it - it's refreshing. I didn't know about some of these genetic tests until she wrote about it. You'd better believe

One thing I really liked about the original piece though was that she wrote it in such a way as to be very understandable to people who aren't med students - anyone reading this can understand because she left out the jargon. I really liked that about the piece.

He's pretty fierce! And adorable. If I were a lady tortoise I'd be all over that. Under a bush. In the Seychelles, of course.

Great choice! It's stunning and the people are lovely. I was in a wedding party for a wedding there and it was amazing!

I'm assuming you're Indian American, though, right? Indian weddings are AMAZING. I dream of being invited to a wedding like yours :)

Peony people are also the same kind of crazy!


See, I'm 5'5" - everyone's tall to me. And thankfully he didn't want a super-skinny girl either.

You knew what this post was about before you came in though. So why the outrage?

You really want to know?

I've only gotten to go to one ridiculously over-the-top wedding, and it was truly amazing.

Hey Jessica, will you do a similar post on the best wedding presents? I feel like a greedy jackass but man I loved getting wedding presents :) Cash is all fine and good, but some of the gifts - oh my.

Is it Ceresville Mansion? I love that place!

As long as it's on a weekend, you should be ok. ZipCar or Metro/taxi? Not cheap but cheaper than owning a car!

I get what you're saying, I do. But I think Jessica's point was to create just one place where people could share this without getting the "well I picked wildflowers and put them in mason jars and had a $20 wedding in a local park" posts - because they do get obnoxious and make people feel bad for what they chose to

I didn't date for, like, 7 years and then when I was 32 I was like "eff it, I'm giving online dating a try."

ok, can I be totally gauche and ask about gifts? Because with a wedding that expensive you must have gotten some AMAZING gifts. Tell tell!

"I would have said I would be happy with a court house wedding, & pocketing the money for a down payment on a house, but now that I know how much fun everyone had that night, parents, us, friends, family friends I hadn't seen in years, I don't know if I went back to do it all over again if I would change a thing."

Which pattern? I did Sams flowers too! (for some reason I was thinking it was Costco, but I remember now it was Sams) - I got the fall bouquet package with sunflowers. So pretty!

I know someone with a very similar story. Huge lavish wedding that her parents were pushing on her. She loved it, but beacuse that train was coming so fast she was ignoring some nagging feelings that there might be problems.