Her voice reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald
Her voice reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald
"Dogs have no place in the quest for true love, puppy or otherwise"
dafuq? You want to elongate LEGS, not torso
Thank you :) I love my 5'7" fiance to bits. He's the handomest guy in the world to me.
Reading is hard, huh? Let me try to make it simpler. Tall guys get lots of attention. Shorter ones don't. I figured I'd have better odds of getting a response if I went with an underloved demographic because at 5'5" and not being someone who cares about height, I figured it was a good strategy.
If I looked that good in skinny jeans I would never, ever, ever take them off.
Welcome all! And since I don't really follow these things carefully, can anyone give me the skinny on what drove the staff change-outs?
You guys, I promise you all hope is not lost, even though it really and truly is a jungle out there. I am marrying my first Match.com date next month. I went through a lot of duds in the online correspondence, and was very selective about who I would meet up with. And we're planning our wedding.
That was a great read - thanks!
I know you're right but it's just overwhelming to think about! I'm going to enjoy my first year of marriage before we get serious, at a minimum.
I have bitchy resting face. GET ME AN AGENT!
I know I want kids. But I never feel like it's the right time. But at 34 I feel like I need to get moving on this soon.
I'm worried that something about motherhood changes this in your own perception. Because I have many strong independent friends who became "nathansmom" or whatever after their kid was born, and seem to have lost all semblance of an identity apart from their child.
I wonder if their kids know any different? If you have an attentive and caring parent, does it really matter if she's just not that into you?
More likely that his mistress/soul mate realized she was with a creepy old man whose success in life was mostly due to his now-ex wife who bankrolled and managed his political career, and without her he's just another loser.
Or...are we the same person? Whoa.
I would love to read it. I'm very open minded, but I gotta be honest - this is so foreign to me I can't imagine how it works. I'm really glad it does work, but I just can't wrap my tiny brain around it. Please write something about it!
I picked up one bridal magazine right after I got engaged, thumbed through it, freaked out, and haven't looked at one since. And no Pinterest either. And hey, I managed to plan a wedding and (mostly) keep my sanity!
So, I met my fiance on my very first Match.com date. That was it for me. We were perfect for each other, and getting married next month. He was on it for years trying his luck. Everytime I see a post like this I thank my lucky stars (and him) for saving me from the hellscape that appears to be online dating.