
That is also not true. Seriously people, do some research. They were NOT bred to be nanny dogs - the nanny dog thing is a myth promulgated by the pro-pit groups. Oh and I love pit bulls, but that nanny dog faux history is complete BS.

Well, even if that were true (and that's pretty debatable) the history of the breed is pretty cut and dry - they were bred to fight dogs. That's an actual fact.

Yeah - that situation and the parents' response reflects very poorly on them as dog owners. Completely irresponsible. Most likely the dog was being protective, but that's not ok. And she shouldn't have been out with a dog on a leash while she was on a bike, especially a dog she clearly couldn't control.

Yes, thank you. It's not as simple as "pits are good" vs "pits are the devil's spawn." Animals are animals and you have to understand what you're dealing with. My pit mix is a lazy, snuggly couch potato who won't walk up the stairs if a cat is on them. But she's definitely dog aggressive so she doesn't get near other

"You know nothing about dogs. A trained dog and a loved dog and a non abused dog will not attack anyone. Its that simple."

They're bred to fight other dogs, not humans. I don't let my pit mix near other dogs because she is very reactive, but she's submissive and friendly to humans. My cats terrify her.

No, the Kurdistan Regional Government absolutely does not have a majority of the oil. That's not even close to correct. Now that they seized Kirkuk they have a little more though.

The Iraqi government has been happy to be Iran's little bitch for the last few years. Let Iran deal with it.

I'm glad someone else gets it. I was cheering when the Kurds took Kirkuk today. Have at it Kurds. This is your moment.

Until the Iraqi government can demonstrate that it's actually willing to address the underlying causes that are fueling this, there's nothing good that will come from us intervening. We actually left them in pretty good shape, and as soon as we left Maliki went full-on Shia sectarian and started going after the Sunnis

I just cancelled my digital and weekend home delivery of WaPo and told them exactly why. It's been sliding for a while anyway. I love my NYTimes digital subscription though and am more than happy to support quality journalism.

I'd hit that. Fiance and I kind of want to invite him to our wedding here in DC, but on the off chance he actually showed up I might leave fiance at the altar.

Meh. I wouldn't be too charmed by my husband using our wedding a promotional opportunity for himself, hoping to create a viral video to increase his own exposure, personal brand, whatever. Then again, I'm silly and old fashioned and think weddings should largely between the two people involved, and their

You clearly know nothing about Burma. The government almost certainly allowed them to be at the pagoda. They would have to have gotten permission from the government for all of this. The government is all about enriching themselves and fuck-all to the people, including illegally selling off the teak forests and other

They're not living their lives. They're dragging monks in to pose for these shoots. They had to stay in houses provided by the corrupt government, and then told the government what they needed. Do you really think the government was paying the nuns/monks to do this? And posing on the Shwedagon pagoda - INCREDIBLY

And who the hell did they ask? The government? So they're basically paying the corrupt-as-hell government to go procure them some nuns and monks. Monks have other things to do - they're not allowed to cook their own food so they have to go collect alms and study and meditate.

Seriously. I just came back from Burma a few weeks ago and these images are horrifying. The Shwedagon Pagoda is so sacred, and monks are the most revered members of society. They're not props for a photo shoot. This is so unbelievably insulting. I can't even imagine what the locals thought of this scene. Western

I actually just came back from Burma and this is appalling. Burmese people are some of the friendliest, warmest people on the planet - I don't think I've ever felt more welcome anywhere. But it's also still an extremely poor country with terrible governance, limited services, etc that's just starting to open up to the

I've had a standing invitation to host the kids (in high school now) to come visit me here in DC - I'd take them sightseeing and whatnot. Aunt and Uncle won't allow it because I might infect them with liberal ideas (their words).

My dad has always been a handkerchief guy and I love them for that reason alone.