
I regretted buying the 6-month membership because I found my guy within a couple weeks.

I clarify that I love to travel, but I'd rather be New Delhi or Muscat than Europe any day of the week.

My words of encouragement: quality guys like a woman with self confidence. It's what I looked for in a guy. Own it. Don't apologize for it. You are what you are, and you'd better love that.

My advice:

For what it's worth, what I looked for most in a guy was someone who had interests/passions in SOMETHING. Didn't have to be the same things I have passion about, but something needs to get them excited. That's more important to me than just about anything else, and it's surprisingly rare.

I love my pit bull. So does my boyfriend who I met online.

Yes, precisely. I mentioned elsewhere that I specifically searched for guys 5'8" and under because they're the ignored sector of the online dating market and I thought I might find some hidden gems there (totally did - great strategy). If my now-boyfriend had lied about his height I might have never found him.

My thinking was: I want someone who puts some effort into this. My now-boyfriend clearly put some thought into his profile, it told me what I needed to know, it wasn't cliche or trying-too-hard, and his pictures had amazing captions. His first message to me was clear that he read my profile and he asked interesting

Yep. You're going to find out these things about them sooner or later. Might as well lay it out there up front than waste anyone's time.

Hot damn. I just made a jezebel account a few minutes ago for the first time and my first internet exchange was pleasant! What vortex did I fall through?

I used Match. I figured free sites are good, but I want a guy who's taking this finding-a-girl thing seriously enough to plunk down some cash.

Did you message guys or just wait for them to message you? I did a targeted search and messaged people who sounded interesting. I know, I know, what kind of a hussy makes the first move! This one.

I brought it up with my boyfriend sometime around the time he told me he loved me (about 2.5 months in). I said something like "so, I'm not, like, planning the wedding or anything, but I think we've got a good thing going so we should rule out any potential dealbreakers. All of this is to say - are you open to the

To be completely honest, I had amazing luck this go 'round. Not so in the past. But this time I met someone a week into it and I knew that was it. He was shy and it took several dates to bring him out of his shell, but yeah, we're great together. I think it's just a crapshoot. Although I did point out in another post

The point though is she's being herself. Take it or leave it. I'd rather know what quirks someone has up front than to have them make smooth moves.

Except that you can be overweight and fit and active. Those things aren't mutually exclusive. I am VERY active, bike and hike and kayak and jog, and I'm overweight. So pretending your interest in a skinny body has to do with "fitness" is just silly. Body preferences are ok. But don't mask it under a concern that you

I met my boyfriend online, and I specifically did a search for guys who were 5'8" and under because I'd read that guys shorter than that get no love. Since I don't have any issues whatsoever about height, I figured that was a good place to start - improved my odds. I saw someone funny and quirky who had traveled to a

I met my boyfriend online, and I specifically did a search for guys who were 5'8" and under because I'd read that guys shorter than that get no love. Since I don't have any issues whatsoever about height, I figured that was a good place to start - improved my odds. I saw someone funny and quirky who had traveled to a