
I honestly feel I'm the only one who doesn't give a crap about the story in destiny.

I get that it is bad but I hardly even know what it's about.
Like in 99% of co-op games I'm mostly talking and joking around with friends.... not really keeping up with the story. I've no idea what Diablo 3, Borderlands or Destiny are

At that point, she told him to come back later but he did not go back.

INTERVIEWER: Michael, you've really taken a shining to golf in retirement. Would I be correct in assuming that we'll be seeing you a lot out on the golf course?

But how could he afford one with only $50 and no credit card?

Also, if you want easier access to sections (Apps, Audiobooks, etc) in the icon bar within iTunes, do this:

More like No Balance, amirite?

So many cargo shorts. There are no winners here, only losers.

Best Klans In Baseball

I'll see myself out.

It does look like a lady punch.
But the damage happens when you're sucker punching someone from behind. Real manly stuff.

No, that would be a stupid thing to say.

You know you fight like a girl when Roger Goodell is talking about it.

Scary to think someone can do so much damage even while punching effeminately.

Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:

You know there's this website called you could check out. Might be up your alley.

If Tennessee had a better offensive line, they'd be a very dangerous team. In a year or two, I see that happening, depending on who is taking the snaps of course.

But by all means, let's hurry up and make everything online only. Not to mention cloud based sstreaming services...

Yay, we can ruin peoples fun! We are awesome....

Sam, these images just float around in your head waiting for a story to match the visual, right?